Chapter Fourteen

Depuis le début

Windows were next to each bed, and large closets were at the back of the room. Other than that, there wasn't much, save for a few personal belongings hanging by the others' beds.

It was really clean, and absoluetly nothing like what he'd been expecting.

"Like it?" Sykkuno asked, and Techno turned to him.

He debated what to say for a moment, before he shrugged.

"I was expecting something a little less," he turned back to the room, hesitating, "well, rich."

Sykkuno laughed at that and set his dark coat on a hook.

"Yeah, it surprises every newbie, I'll be honest. Despite King Schlatt's...odd, personality, he sure knows how to take care of his workers." Sykkuno said, suddenly taking a new, softer voice.

Techno raised an eyebrow at that. From what he'd heard, Schlatt was a prick, so this was odd.

Sykkuno noticed the look on his face and then sighed, "Yeah, well, lots of us think it's his husbands doing anyway. He's a lot nicer than the king." he murmured, and Techno tilted his head to the side slightly (seriously, he needs to stop doing that).

Huh. He knew that Schlatt had a husband, and a child, at that, but he hadn't ever really thought much about them. This was good information though, because that meant he had even more chances to gain the trust of the royals. Oh yeah, it was all coming together.

The sooner he could get this all over with, the sooner he could go home, home to where he was supposed to be, with hybrids, not humans.

And yes, Sykkuno was pretty nice (so far), but he was still a human, and that meant he couldn't be trusted.

Techno wasn't sure when the hatred for humans had really stirred in him. He used to be a human (at least he thought he was), so he didn't actually know how he'd come to hate (or, just heavily dislike, if you will) them. Maybe it was when he'd seen humans doing everything they could to kill hybrids, or the many amounts of safehouses that hybrids were killed at. Yeah, probably that.

Although, it was all under Schlatt's rule, so maybe without him, things would be better.

If he died, maybe hybrids and humans could live in harmony.

Techno sighed, no, that wasn't his mission. He was supposed to get the humans trust and gather information for Puffy, he wasn't supposed to put himself in a situation where he could die too. He had to be a messenger, not a martyr.

Sykkuno cut Techno out of his thinking when he chucked over some guards clothes.

Techno held them in his hands, and then looked back up at the black haired man. 

Sykkuno chuckled, "Trainees start off without armour. Really, only the ones going into intense battle get armour, the rest of us just get a normal uniform." he chuckled, and Techno nodded.

"You can wear your normal clothes whenever, except when you're on duty. Although I'd recommend you train in the training clothes you've got, you don't want to sweat up your nice clothes." Techno snorted at the words 'nice clothes' because he doesn't really have any, other than his robe from Puffy.

"Also," Sykkuno continued, "word of advice, when you go into the villiage, even if you're not on duty, you should wear your uniform. The villagers and travellers tend to be nicer to anyone working with the royals, which in turn means us. Free bread is always a win." 

Techno raised an eyebrow, "Okay, thanks."

Sykkuno snorted at that, probably thinking about how he'd just word spewed while Techno stuck to two words, but didn't say anything. He was polite like that, it seemed. Not annoying, not like that old guy, 'Bo' or whatever his name was.

Sykkuno sighed, "Well, I'll leave you to it," he gestured to the trunk that Techno had placed beside him, "I'll be in the lounge if you need me." and with that, Sykkuno turned and left.

Techno watched him go for a moment, before sighing to himself and turning back around.

He stared at the room with narrowed eyes, and noticed the one bed in the corner that had no belongings around it. Must be his, then.

He moved forward to the bed, sitting back on it and placing his trunk at the foot of it. His hands clenched and unclenched in the blanket, trying to ease some of his stress.

He looked out the shaded window to the grass and forest beyond, before looking back at the other beds.

"Home sweet home, I guess." he muttered to himself, before flopping back onto the bed with a heavy sigh.

x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x - x

Hello friends!!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Thanks for the kind messages last chapter, you all mean the world to me <3

Happy reading!!

-Ghost <3


C0-posted on ao3

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