25| Unsettling Discoveries

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The night sky stood proudly, its inky darkness enveloping the city in a curtain of gloominess as the wind sang a sorrow-filled song. A curtain of stars graced the pitch darkness with a dull radiance. The crescent moon hung still, illuminating the roads in an eerie glow, slipping through each nook and cranny of the city despite the numerous clouds blocking its path.

A puff of white mist escaped Tomohiro's lips as he stepped out of Kohei's car. Noticing the struggle the male presented, Kohei hooked an arm underneath Tomohiro's and helped him out of the vehicle. Tomohiro grumbled a 'thank you', a shiver racking his spine from the sudden gust of chilling wind. The weather had decided to take a turn for the cold near the beginning of the afternoon.

Wrinkling his nose, Tomohiro's attention was drawn toward the small assortment of sidekicks scrambling about the area near Metallic's Agency. They were deterring traffic, covering a scene, and calling the police all at the same time. Some were running a few tests before scurrying off to produce the results.

It was freezing and the scene was no doubt less than ideal but Tomohiro was more than just grateful to be here, even if it was a sorrowful circumstance. That is how much he missed being out in the open. A pitiful laugh escaped him before he disguised it with a cough. If Kohei heard anything, he did not mention a single word about it.

"What did you find?"

Kohei tucked his hands into his pockets. A few seconds ticked by before he finalized the information he was going to say. "The Flora Hero, Fae, went missing three years ago in Ehime. Low and behold, there is Fae, or her body at least. She was discovered dead."

Tomohiro hummed in response. The Flora Hero was one that was not exceptionally strong nor incredibly weak. She was great at rescues as her Quirk allowed her to manipulate plant life to an extent. She did not have much power but she managed to save hundreds during her time alive. The clicks of the crutches hitting the ground were the only thing Inscribe could focus on. Even the howling of the wind could not deter his attention.

Walking into the alleyway side by side, Kohei shooed away some of the sidekicks who were running tests in the small alleyway. Tomohiro grimaced when the sidekicks shot him glares before he held up his provisional license. They all grew pale and dispersed in an orderly fashion, mumbling a few words to both Pros before leaving.

The blond slowed his pace a bit since the ink-haired male was slower with the crutches tucked underneath his armpits. He was somewhat glad that Tomohiro only muttered a curse instead of trying to hit his shin with a crutch. "My agency already took some samples and are running them for tests. It shouldn't take them more than half an hour to send them to yours."

A gust of wind suddenly blew through the area and Kohei buried the bottom of his face in his navy blue scarf. It was warm in the morning. Why did the weather take such a drastic turn?

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