20| Two Perspectives

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Unfortunately, Akihiko had been plagued with dreams and nightmares. They were the main culprits of his migraines.

Every time his eyelids fluttered shut and the sweet song of sleep lulled him to the unconscious plane of the unknown, he was blissfully taken hostage to a world of peace or disaster. The one thing he knew was that he would always see himself in one shape or form. Sometimes he would witness his dream self. Other times his body would move on its own without his permission.

Right now it was one of those times where he was an observer, slaved to watching a younger version of himself traverse through the land of dreams.

A gentle wind plowed softly through the trees, ruffling the leaves with its light touch. The breeze sang a serene tune, whispering kindhearted words into the ears of those who would listen to its peaceful, angelic voice. The zephyr blew a tad stronger and gently picked a few loose petals from the stems of the bright, flourishing flowers blooming in the grassland.

A young boy, no older than the age of five, hummed in tune with the rhythm of the tranquil song blown briskly into his ears. His small feet carried his thin frame through the carefree steps of a childish waddle. Tiny hands were outstretched joyfully into the air, reaching out to feel the motherly caress of the ethereal breeze. A quick pivot of his foot and the two crystals resting on his cheeks slapped his pale-skinned face. An eruption of youthful laughter escaped his small chest as he stretched out his small, chubby fingers to grasp onto the soft, colorful pieces of nature dancing around him.

Akihiko watched from afar, periwinkle eyes staring intently at the child. It did not take long for him to realize that it was a younger version of him. This was the first time that he has witnessed a version of himself so young. Usually, his dream self would be the same age as him, fifteen-years-old. His eyes flickered away. The familiar sight of wispy fog curled around his body like a snake slithering around its prey. This just further confirmed that he was an observer this night.

His lips pursed together and a frustrated grunt escaped him. Like always, his body refused to comply. His feet were glued to the floor. Some unknown force was keeping him stationary. Was his dream trying to keep him from interfering with the scene playing in front of him? He drew in a deep breath. Fine. He will stand and watch obediently just as he has done countless times before.

The wind's tune softened and its power dropped briefly. The airborne petals gingerly swayed, floating downward to give the young boy's bright hair a cool touch. Before the rest of the petals tumbled all the way to the grassland in their free fall, the wind's song had bloomed into its natural flourishment and the petals soared and danced merrily once more.

A woman with beautiful features strode a bit behind her son and let out a peal of melodic laughter that resembled the charming sound of windchimes. She walked at her own pace. Every stride she took was taken with pride and elegance. She quietly chuckled to herself, gripping the picnic basket's handle in her hands a tad bit tighter as her shining aqua eyes never strayed away from her child's thin figure.

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