360 19 50

Harry Styles

Another Tuesday had rolled around and another gruelling shift lay ahead of me. My tired body had trudged me through the underground and walked through London to get to the record shop, my groggy mind had barely woken up yet. I desperately needed another cup of tea, I flicked my cigarette across the road as I approached work and pushed hard on the frail door, forcing my large body through the small frame.

I inhaled deeply as I stepped through the threshold of the old wooden door, chiming the bell that signalled my arrival. I loved the smell of this place, I had become fondly attached to it over my time here. To me the smell of old records, dust and a faint hit of marijuana smelled like home. My second home.

Leanord's Records had become my safe haven during my time in London. It's like the outside world didn't exist while I was in here, I just got lost in a world where only music existed. I could spend my day with the likes of Stevie Wonder, Ella Fitzgerald and The Beatles. What more could a man want?

I hummed to myself along with the music that was faintly playing over the speakers as I headed through to the back to let Leonard know I was here and to make us both a drink. I tapped lightly on the thin wooden door that displayed the word manager in a faint sharpie marker, before slowly pushing it ajar.

Leonard was sitting there with his feet up on the desk, old worn leather boots taking up place on the small battered wood, he was looking through papers with a thin rolled joint dangling between his gaunt lips that were hidden by grey facial hair. I smiled to myself at the sight.

"Morning Leo, shall I start inventory after a cuppa?" I ask, because the usual Tuesday chore.

"Oh good you're here, no we did that yesterday, I actually wanna speak to you about something, sit down." He gestured to the comfy futon that sat against the small wall. I plopped myself down and rubbed the palms of my hands against my thighs. Leanord offered me the rest of the joint as I took it and placed it between my own lips, inhaling and exhaling slowly, he really was the coolest boss ever.

"So, it's not a secret that I'm not getting any younger son." Leonard began explaining, sitting upright in his chair, I chuckled lightly in response.

"I'm going to be retiring soon, and I need someone to manage the place." He stared slightly.

"I'll help interview some people, if you want?" I offer in reply.

A small chuckle left his lips before he sat forward onto his elbows.

"I've actually already found my replacement." He smiled wide.

"Oh yeah? Who?" I ask, confused.

"You, son." Leonard smiled, as I just stared back at him in disbelief.

"What? I mean, wait what?" I continue asking.

"Now I know it's not your dream, but I can't think of anyone else I'd rather take my place. Now it won't be for another year or so, you won't have to be here all the time you can just hire more staff, we have time to get everything in order but I want you to take over this place." He stops and looks me in the eyes, eager for my response.

I was stunned, I couldn't believe he was trusting me enough with his store, this was huge. But it meant being tied down to this place, it meant not following my dreams but it also offered security, so many thoughts were swimming around my brain but most of all I was happy, and I was grateful.

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