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This week had been intense, to put it lightly. Scarlet had emailed us the rehearsal schedule as Tommy promised and we had rehearsal time on the stage with the lighting and everything else on Wednesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. 

I was glad that we did have time to practice on the stage because getting used to the red lighting was hard, the approved set list given to us were full of older songs from the eagles, to Elvis to somewhat more modern songs but in a jazz and cabaret style.We had to perform 3 from the list.

Scarlet had decided to put some dancers on the stage with us to create a more engaging atmosphere, which honestly put me at ease a little because at least all eyes were not on me at centre stage, which wasn't like me at all I loved being up on stage, I felt at home. It was just in this crowd I felt somewhat vulnerable.

I hadn't seen Layla all week, which was fortunate because I had been dreaming about her and the first night that I saw her, which would have made me feel so awkward seeing her in person after having her in my head for a week. I wasn't sure if we would have a conversation at all and if we did what I would even say, I couldn't believe she was so in my head after seeing her perform once. I don't know what it was about her but my mind kept drawing to her like a moth to a flame.

I had seen Scarlet every time we had been in Ruby, I was beginning to think she never left, she was always here doing jobs on stage, or helping dancers to rehearse and to generally oversee everything, it soon became apparent that her position here was more of a managerial role rather than just a performer. She was a friendly face in a time that was nerve racking for us as musicians. She was nice, and funny, she seemed to gravitate to Niall a lot, which was typical. He was a positive energy force, funny, confident and everyone just loved being around him. I envied him in that way, I was always overthinking everything, second guessing my every move, it was exhausting.

Standing up on the stage, with the red spotlight hitting my face, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as we began the song. We finished our set and to my relief all I heard was applause, thank god.

I had no idea what I was so nervous for, the crowd went wild after we finished, meaning we did our job of getting them buzzed for the main performers well. Although the small voice in the back of my head told me they were cheering for the women dancing with us on the stage, but I was taking the applause either way. I nodded and bowed slightly, dipping my head to the crowd before leaving the stage as I always did. 

"Woooooooo." Niall yelled as we got off the stage, jumping onto Louis' back, fist pumping the air. 

"Niall fuck off, Jesus Christ." Louis complained in jest knocking Niall off from his back, causing him to stumble sideways, chuckling to himself. 

We were all so pumped and relieved our first performance went well. Tommy had instructed that once we had finished we were to head into the performers lounge, as we were employees now. 

As we reached the large vaulted doorway off a small hallway leading from the side of the stage, Liam pushed open the door and my jaw dropped. The ceilings where high and vaulted, hanging down from them were dimly lit candlelight chandeliers, the floor was black and polished like the floor in the grand hall. The wall on the left was mirrored from ceiling to floor, there were couches and tall chairs at high tables scattered across the room with a bar at the far end, with a balcony behind it just like in the smokers lounge. I scanned every detail in the room like I had to remember every accessory and every piece of furniture, I noticed a small velvet curtain on my right, which opened up to view the stage. The room was lit up in red, of course. 


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