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Harry Styles

The bass was thumping underneath my feet as I was stood at the bar watching Layla, Scarlet and Laura among with other dancers rehearse for their performances this week. I couldn't help but smile to myself at Layla and her yoga leggings and her white t-shirt, her hair falling messily around her neck, coming away from the ponytail that was loosely tied at the back of her head.

She looked so different today, ever since last week at the pub she was different to me, and different in my mind. How pathetic was it of me when all it took was saving me from an awkward conversation and being nice to me for two hours to have me falling at her feet?

I couldn't help it though, it was part of who I was as a person, I fell hard and fast, whether the other person was there to catch me or not. Although I have only ever truly been in love with one person before, it doesn't take long for me to get carried away with thoughts in my head, and the thoughts swimming around my mind of this woman before me were becoming more intense as the days passed by, the more time I was spending just being around her made me feel things I haven't felt in ages, I felt alive again.

"Laura you keep getting the fucking count wrong" I hear Layla shout in frustration over the music.

"Then why did you put the choreography on a weird fucking count?" Laura bit back, sounding just as annoyed. They were both laced with sweat, Laura's mascara smudging under her eye slightly.

"We need to take five" Scarlet added in, trying to catch her breath.

"We haven't got the fucking time to take five Scar, both of you get a fucking grip and get the count right before I kill both of you before the afternoon is over" she huffed pressing her palms into the sides of her face before dragging the back of her hand over her forehead wiping the sweat away.

"Let's go again, 1 - 2 - 3- 4" Layla counted before the routine started again, Layla was stood facing the group so she could watch all the dancers, I noticed a few were out of time, and then Laura missed the next two counts, I saw her dart her eyes to Layla in panic, knowing she was going to get another lashing from her.

Layla saw and raised her hand up for everyone to stop.

"Get out - all of you before I lose my fucking mind!" She shouted, some of the younger dancers jumped as they all rushed off stage.

"Like I have said before I would not like to be on her bad side" Niall chuckled from the side of me. "Louis and Liam are outside, you ready to go?" Niall asked gesturing for us to leave.

I turned my gaze back to Layla who was now alone on the stage sat on the edge with her legs dangled over it, she looked annoyed but also something else that I couldn't figure out, was she sad maybe? Nervous? I felt like I should stay and see if she was okay.

"No you guys go, I've got some errands to run, I'll be back later" I say nodding towards the door for Niall to leave.

"Alright, see you later then" Niall waved his hand faintly before putting both of his hands into the pockets of his denim jacket, and walking out the door.

I looked over to Layla who was flicking through the pages of a notepad on the edge of the stage, I walked over to where she was sat and looked up at her, she didn't acknowledge I was stood there, it felt awkward. I felt like I didn't exist for a moment, I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Hey - uhm - you okay?" I asked, sounding more nervous than I intended to.

"Why do you think you can talk to me?" She snapped, shutting the notepad and tilting her head to me, looking down on me from her position, her face like stone. Her eyes were cold.

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