13 - Unlucky for some

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blood and violence, please do not read ahead if these topics trigger you <3

Harry Styles

I looked down at my feet that were submersed in the cool water with my socks and shoes still on, yet nothing felt uncomfortable. I looked up to the midday sun that was blistering down on the pebbled beach, causing my skin to tingle and my body feel warm. I tipped my head back to relish in the utter bliss, waddling further into the water until it reached my hips. I traced my finger tips over the surface of the still water, no waves were breaking so I could see the ripples and reactions of the water from each of the movements I made. I was truly mesmerized, I laid down on my back to soak in the pure freedom of the water, looking up to the blue sky that was littered with sparse fluffy clouds, counting the birds that soared across the sky.

I closed my eyes once more, and everything went silent. I opened my eyes, sensing danger and the sky was no longer bright blue, the hues of the sky had completely changed, now it was dark and the clouds were twisting above me, taunting the sky like the demons of my soul. I tried to stand to my feet but I was no longer close enough to the shore to stand, the waves were starting to crash against me, pushing my body further down into the undertow, the powerful force of nature keeping me down. I tried to scream when I was above water but I couldn't make a sound.

"MUM!" I tried to shout, "MUM PLEASE HELP ME"

I couldn't hear her, no one could hear me, no one could save me.

All I could hear was the gushing of the waves, they just kept coming. Lightening started to crackle in the sky above me, my head was now fully submersed under the water as I saw it flashing against the surface. My eyes drifting to a close as I subdued and accepted my fate, handing my soul over to destiny. I was going to die.

"Harry" I hear a faint voice in the distance, muffled like it was also underwater.

"Harry, baby open your eyes"


I snapped my eyes open, trying to look around me but it was no use, it was pitch black, I looked up to the surface above my head it was too far away to try and reach, I had nothing left in me, I was falling and I knew soon I would hit the bottom. No one could help me now.

"Harry, come back to me, please"

I spluttered out the final remnants of oxygen that was leaving my lungs in little bubbles escaping from my lips.

"HARRY" My eyes shot open, I was in my bed drenched in sweat, I was breathless. I scrunched up the sheets under my palms, gripping them hard in need to feel grounded. I steadied my breath, my vision becoming less blurry as I was slowly coming back into my conscious I realized I just had a nightmare, again.

I lifted my head to see Niall mouthing something at the end of my bed, I tried to focus on him as his fingers were lifting to his eyes, I think I could make out that he was mouthing 'Harry focus on me, you're okay'.

"Niall?" I whisper, choking slightly on my own breath.

"Jesus Harry, you're going to put me in an early grave" Niall lowered his head, shaking it slightly. I could see the concern written all over his face, I hadn't had a nightmare like this in a long time.

It was more than a nightmare though, I always felt everything. I could still feel the water clogging my lungs, I could still smell the salty air. I thought I was going to die.

"What happened this time?" I asked Niall, sitting up in my bed bringing my knees up and resting my arms on them, too sweaty for the duvet to accompany me.

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