Chapter 28 - the end

Start from the beginning

"Did you think she was going to win?" I ask him

"I told her if I could bet, I would bet on her" he replies

"She could've won but Finch-" I cut off my sentence I can't help but think I'm always being watched

He leans in close. Touching my sternum where the necklace is hidden
"Fox face was clever. She knew what she was doing. I wish nobody in that arena was dead. But I'm glad someone who I can work with came out of it" he says

"Fox face? Is that Finch" I ask

"Yes it's what katniss called her" he says

"Oh" I say not knowing what else to talk about

"Katniss would've rooted for you if she knew the real you" he says "I swapped my girl on fire for the girl with the knives" He says

He words are comforting and we make easy convosation untill it's time for the interview. It's just in the sitting room. Camera are now set up and the long sofa has been replaced with three arm chairs. Cesar shakes my hand and congratulates me. A while later Brutus and Cato walk in. Caesar shakes his hand and congratulates him to. We both sit.

Somebody counts backward and we're being broadcasted live across all of Panem. Caesar stats by introducing us

"Good afternoon panem. And what a good afternoon it is!" His grin is eerily white "I'm here with your victors of the 74th annual hunger games! Cato Hadley and Clove Kentwell! Or you might now then better as Brutal bloody Cato and the girl with knives! She never misses!" I smile at the camera.
"And I would also like to say a very special message. Happy 16th Birthday to our very own Clove!"

He words confuse me. Is it my birthday? Yes. I can't believe a forgot. I just hadn't been keeping track of the days.
"Thank you Caesar. I'm so happy to have spent my birthday it the capitol" I say

"And we're happy to have you here" he replies

He asks questions tactfully avoiding anything about our relationship. He asks about anything and everything that happens in the arena. He asks about how it felt to train for the games and be apart of them. How I felt when I saw the vest of knives, when I made my kills. I act like I enjoyed every moment of it. But most questions are at the crowd favourite Cato. His question about Finch catches me off guard

"And what did you think when you saw Finch. I noticed she looked very similar to one of your friends we interviewed whilst you were in the games?" Ask Caesar

His talking about Mae he noticed the same resemblance I did when I first saw her.

"I thought she was clever" I reply "but when it came down to it she wouldn't win a fight against us"

But she could. As engraved on the back of the necklace I wear. She could've won the games. She saw something bigger than all of us. I can't leave her memory like that

"I learnt from her though. Don't underestimate." I add

He moved on satisfied with my answer. Asking Cato what he thought of Thresh. Clearly on the subject of other tributes. He than asks about our allies. We tell him they were strong competition and benefited us greatly. Then he asks

"talking about the tributes, I never asked you about Thresh. We saw for the first time out girl with the knives scared. I think I can talk for all of us when I say we were terrified as well" he tilts his head forward like his sad about it. But he will never know the fear I felt

I freeze at the question what do I say
"Well Caesar. As you've said I never miss. My wepons are more long distance. And I'm sure you know I'm quite good at hand to hand combat . But that boy easily lifted me a foot into the air. I'm not naive enough to think I could take him myself at close range. So I called for my Allie" I say matter of factly hoping my voice isn't shaking.

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