Princess Ivory VS Queen Krystal

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"Well, I love drama." Krystal cut her off.

Meanwhile, the students were starting to gain interest, after sensing the tension building up between the two. They thought that it was about time for the clash of the two school royalties.

Another nerve pulsated wildly in Sulli's head, which made her wore her bitch face on as well. "I know that you were the one behind those pranks..."

Krystal acted hurt and inhaled sharply, "How could you even say that? When I was sick and resting at the hospital that time?"

"Don't act all innocent and hurt on me now. I know you're the one who was pulling the strings behind the curtain."

"Oh, really? Do you even have a proof before you start barking at me?"

"Instead of a proof, I have a witness." Sulli uttered confidently. "By the way, that trick that you pulled on me yesterday was totally out of line and so nasty. And oh, Sungjae says hi."

"Do you think I will fall for that? I don't even know who Sungjae is."

"Chincha? I wonder why Sehun didn't accept your deal. Maybe, even he can't stomach the dirty thing that you asked him to do just because of your pathetic unrequited love for Luhan. How long has it been? 3 years? Maybe Luhan doesn't even see you as a woman." Sulli knows that she was going a bit overboard with what her saying, but the blonde girl pushed her to do so.

And her statement finally ticked Krystal off. She lost her self-control and screamed at her, "You little bitch!" She raised her hand and was about to slap the audacious girl in front of her. If only a hand with a firm grip didn't stop it, she could have put some color on the pale girl's face.

Krystal looked over her shoulder to see whose hand it belongs to and found Sehun with cold eyes looking down on her.

"I told you not her..." It was barely a whisper that she doubt heard by anyone except her and it sent chills down her spine.

Did he just growl? She thought. It was the first time that her cousin got really angry at her. But she didn't care. Right now, she's angrier and freed her arms harshly from Sehun's grasp.

"If it's not my blabber mouth cousin, Oh Sehun. I bet you told her."

"Yes. And I told your brother as well. He wasn't thrilled that you're giving out his bike for that reason."

"Oh, sorry. Am I supposed to be scared?" The blonde snickered. "Sehun, your style is really mediocre."

Sehun saw Luhan and his friends walking towards them but the two girls didn't notice. The white beast raised an eyebrow and continued, "Oh yeah. I forget to tell Luhan about it."

"Tell me what?" A familiar voice was heard behind the two girls.

Krystal froze at the sound of the voice. It was the first time that the Queen lost her composure.

"That she asked Sungjae to do her dirty tricks on Sulli." Sehun answered.

"What did Sungjae do?" Luhan uttered viciously but Krystal was still unable to speak in front of him. "I said what did you asked him to do?"

Still no answer. The girl was starting to shake lightly.

But Luhan finally lost it. "So you're really capable of doing these things, Krystal? And here I am constantly defending you to everyone like a fool. I even lost a girl I like just because I refuse to believe that you're the kind of girl that she was saying. I chose to believe you and not her!"

"Oppa..." Krystal finally spoke but her voice betrayed her, "it's not true. She's just trying to make me look bad to you."

"SHUT UP! It's written all over your face! I don't know who you are anymore. I don't know if I ever knew who you really are. I think that the Krystal that I believed I know was fake. A phony. You disgust me." Luhan spat his last sentence and Kai held his shoulder to stop him from saying more, especially that everyone was watching but the boy just yanked his arm away. "I don't even want to see you anymore..."

Krystal couldn't take them anymore and finally run away from the cafeteria, crying. She never felt so humiliated and hurt all her life. And Luhan... Did she lose him now? The very thought made her wail even more. She never saw him that angry before. I can't lose him. She thought. Not him...

Back in the cafeteria. Luhan asked Sulli if she was okay.

"I'm okay Luhan. Don't worry."

"What did Sungjae did to you?"

The girl was caught off-guard and automatically looked at Sehun. She didn't want anyone to know what she experienced in the storage, especially not the trio behind her. Luhan and Baekhyun have become so protective of her that she's afraid that they might engage themselves in another fight because of her.

Luhan noticed that Sulli was looking at Sehun and found the boy looking back at her. An eyebrow was instantly raise.

Sulli quickly answered before Luhan could guess what really happened. "Nothing alarming. He just locked me up inside but Sehun found me."

"Oh really?" Luhan doesn't like the idea that this beast was actually the one who saved her. He knew that it's not right, but he seemed angrier to Sehun than to Sungjae.

The white beast rolled his eyes and flee before Luhan could speak another word.

≽≽≽ ≼≼≼

Their last class has ended and the group was putting their books back in their bag when Baekhyun voiced out that he was hungry.

"Baekhyun, you're always hungry." Luhan commented.

"Of course. I'm a growing man, you know. Plus these two cousins exhausted my energy today." He pointed at Sehun and Krsytal, who both didn't attend the classes after the face off in the cafeteria.

"They really are blood related, eh?" Sulli asked.

"There's no reason to be so shocked. The two share the same spoiled attitude. Apparently, it runs in their blood."

"Tch. How did you get hungry?" Luhan started again, "when you didn't even do anything."

"Whatever. Are you comin' or not?"

"Of course, we're coming!" Sulli beamed which made Baekhyun grin knowingly at Luhan. If the girl was coming, there was no way that his pink-haired friend wouldn't come.

"What about you, Kai?" Baekhyun asked.

Kai slid his backpack to his shoulders. "Can't. I have something to do."

Baekhyun zipped his bag shut and slid it to his shoulders as well, "Okay then." And then he turned towards the girl. "Sulli, kaja."

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