I couldn't stop the reaction that he had on my body as my eyes stared down from his neck and to stare at what the fine ass male was wearing. A black button down type of shirt with the top two buttons left undone, showing a dark tattoo that most likely covered half of his strong hard chest, he was wearing a black blazer and oh my fucking hot I think I'm going to cum if I stare any longer at this hot piece of shit. Black slacks with a belt around his torso and a black Rolex was tied around his strong veiny hands.

'He needs to choke me with them hands.' Rachel and Skylar both blurred out at the same time as my face heated up slightly as the naught image that Zara showed me of Hayden. Fuck, this man was fine as fuck.

My dark chocolate brown eyes travel up to his stupidly handsome face. His black hair was a mess on top of his head but it was somewhat typed in a sexy way that made my insides curl. My eyes gazed down and landed down on his pump full lips that were curled up into a sly smirk.

I gulped taking in his dark brown eyes that seemed to be a shade darker than mines. I felt my body beat up as we kept eye to eye contact while mines showed curiosity his showed amusement as they looked back into my own brown eyes.

"Giving up already, amore mio?" His deep voice was filled with amusement as he chuckled lightly under his breath with his hands shoved in his slacks. I scoffed glaring up at him with my eyes narrowed at him for how as he teased me last night before I was allowed to leave. His lips curled up into a smile when he noticed my glare .

'Handsome annoying jerk.' I growled out at him in my mind as I stared annoyed back into his dark eyes that tried their best to imitate me. The same dark brown eyes that watched me with tears in my eyes as I begged for my release from him... fucking asshole teased me because he saw some man pull me down on his lap. It's nkt my fault that I looked to tempting for other males not to touch last night. I enjoyed seeing the pissed of face that I got from Jayden when he saw someone pull me against their disgusting chest as they tried to smash their lips against mines but instead they received a hard punch to the face of a growling mate.

Damn did Jayden look hot last night with his face all darked as he growled down at me, my back pushed against the walls of the club as I tried to get away from him but only ended up with him pinning my hands above my head with on of his hands while his other hand grabbed my waist roughly. He growled 'don't you dare let another male touch you like that again or I'll do worse then punch his face infront of you, little girl.' He growled all that in my ear before wrapped his hand around my throat and smashing his lips roughly against mines, claiming them as his.

I bit my lip as I tried not to think of last night and focused on the male that had taken a seat beside me between the two really strong men. James dragged himself to sit beside me as he smiled down at me as he noticed that I was staring up at him, he patted my head I narrowed my eyes on him.

"Te sorprendería cómo esta mujer venció a todos aquí hoy en el entrenamiento de Hayden, no admitiría la derrota." Damn is that Spainish that James is speaking because that sounds hot as fuck on how flute he is with his naturally smoothing voice, but whatever he said caused Hayden to look down at me with pride in his eyes but a challengingly look in his eyes as well.

You'd be surprised how this woman beat everyone here today at training Hayden, she's wouldn't admit defeat

'Whatever he better not get me in trouble or else I'll personally throw Jamie's off a cliff myself.' I scolded myself for thinking like but he better not get me in trouble again, last night was enough for me to pay attention to not let more people touch me in that way.

"Y Hayden la llama 'mi amor' una vez más frente a mí otra vez, te mato." I stared at Jacob with a raised eyebrow as he growled out the words at Hayden, in a threatening voice? I'm not sure but it did cause everyone else around us to laugh at Jacobs behaviour but Derek only shock his head with a smile on his face before standing up and stretching his back as his head was titled back in thought.

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