Chapter Nine

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She waded through a vast plain of golden rose bushes. Her fingers drifted from flower to flower, stroking the petals, and avoiding the sharp thorns on their stems. A slight breeze lifted the white gown she wore. She craned her neck, searching for the sun, but could not find it.

A sheet of fog rolled above her.

Around her.

Through her.

She couldn't remember how she got there.

Her brow furrowed.

What was her name?

Her ear twitched when an echo of voices filled the surrounding space. Male and female. The voices raised and lowered in volume, speaking words she could not understand. She looked around, but it was impossible to see through the mist. She spun in a circle, her heart racing.

Where was she?

A girl appeared in front of her.

She halted, observing the child who stood just feet away. She dressed in a gown that matched her own. Her long hair was so blonde it could have been white. It flew in the wind behind her like a phantom.

"Hello?" she called out to the girl, but she did not reply. She took a few steps towards her. "Who are you? Do you know this place?"

Much of the girl's face hid in the mist, save for pale lips that pulled into a smile. "Welcome home, Morana."

* * * * 

Morana opened her eyes.

She groaned, trying to roll onto her side. Pain burned through every muscle in her body, pulling her back down.

Her eyelids were too heavy to keep open.

Someone moved around her, the warmth of their hand pressed to her forehead.

She tried to open her eyes, but sleep embraced her once more.

* * * * 

The girl came to her again.

They stood on the edge of a cliff, a storm raging all around them, rain pelting Morana's face. The wind whipped around her hair and trees shook loose leaves and twigs. She stared into the girl's back. "Who are you?"

The girl glanced over her shoulder.

Morana took a step back, gasping.

Amber eyes stared right back at her. The girl turned toward the cliff. She splayed out her arms, lifting her chin. "Remember."

Morana blinked. "Who are you?"

The girl closed her eyes, allowing the rain to pepper her face. She took a long breath before falling over the edge. 

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