Chapter Eight

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From behind a tree, a feline-like beast stalked out into the clearing.

Morana's breath caught. She absorbed its pink leathery skin and claws the size of her hands. Its tail flicked back and forth as it lowered its massive head. Her gaze followed the barbs at the tip of its tail, purple and leaking a dark substance, and then she met piercing yellow eyes. Her fingers twitched for a weapon that was not there. The beast's ears sank back. It let out a guttural sound, creeping closer.

Morana kept her eyes on it as it paced, her nose scrunching at the smell—like carrion. Those claws could gut her with one swipe, and she didn't want to find out what that tail was capable of. She took in the surrounding area, her eyes darting between the trees and death in front of her.

It growled and sank back onto its haunches. And then it leaped.

She threw herself to the ground before the beast could spill her insides. It soared over her, releasing a haunting sound as it collided with the jagged wall behind her. She was on her feet in seconds.

She sprinted, fighting through the pain exploding all over her with each stride. The predator roared behind her, pushing her legs to go faster. She tore through low hanging limbs that ripped at her clothes and skin, bounded over large roots. Her chest burned. The creature's feet were heavy on the earth in pursuit. Louder and louder they became.

Instinct forced her to look over her shoulder.

Morana twisted out of the way, narrowly avoiding the beast's swing. Its tail missed her head, but caught her lower leg. She screamed, the sharp barbs ripping through the layers of her clothes into the delicate skin underneath. Morana stumbled, rolling off of a tree.

Her vision blurred.

She should have felt the impact of the ground when she fell. Morana gasped, gripping her burning leg as she lay on the earth. She tried to stand, but her leg wouldn't listen.

The beast whirled on her, swinging its tail around. She rolled out of the way, the barbs smashing into the earth. It ripped its tail backward, sending debris flying into the air. And then it was coming at her again. She narrowly avoided the barbs to her chest, twisting to the right and rolling over something sharp.

Morana's breathing had turned wet, as she found the object she'd rolled over. She sunk her fingers into the earth and ripped out a large rock. Her palms screamed as she swung the rock around and smashed it into the beast's face before it could land another devastating blow.

It roared in pain, staggering long enough for Morana to pull herself into a seat. Her leg still wouldn't move, the throbbing too great. She panted, lifting the rock up over her head, ready to strike again. She ground her teeth as the creature shook its skull. A crimson line flowed from its brow bone. The cat growled, revealing elongated canines that promised a slow and excruciating death.

She tried to blink away the blurriness that crept over her vision. She had to stand.

Morana took a shaking breath, squeezing the rock as she willed her leg to move. The throbbing morphed into a tingling that spread up her thigh. She wouldn't last much longer wallowing on the ground.

She cringed, observing the thick crimson liquid that spilled out of her and onto the ground. Her eyes darted between the cat's barbed tail and her bleeding leg. She shook her head, her vision blurring again.

The beast lunged.

Morana brought the rock down, but she was too slow. Massive jaws locked around her forearm, forcing the weapon out of her hand. A scream ripped out of her throat, but the crunching of bone was louder.

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