Chapter Ten - Cloak and Dagger

Start from the beginning

Lissly - "I want you two to go out and kill one of them for intel."

Nyr - "Woah.. B-But, why us..?"

Lissly - "Well, I know what you're capable of. And if you vouch for your friend's skill then it should be no problem. I trust you can keep this just between us, not so sure about your Syr here-"

Nyr ~ My Syr..?

Lissly - "-but, like minds tend to congregate I suppose. Plus.. conveniently nobody will even notice you of all people are missing.. should it take you an abnormal amount of time to complete."

Nyr - "Thanks Lissly.."

Lissly - "I mean it in only the nicest of ways."

Lissly - "I am going a bit out of my way sending you out though. Maybe an abuse of my power, but I assure you it's within regulation. The guild won't complain if they get answers, will they?"

Nyr & Syr ~ Scary..

Nyr - "Uhh, right.. So what do we know about the target..?"

Lissly - "Hmm, even I'm not one-hundred percent on the details. However I do have a location to make sure people stay away from. The Arien mountains east of here. I've privately wiped all official quests in that area, so nobody should be around to bother you. Unfortunately I don't have anything about what you'll find there, but this intel is fresh."

Nyr - "B-But what if it's an Elderbeast..?"

Lissly - "..And so what if it is? You have plenty of experience with them. You can handle it."

Nyr - "Sheesh.."

Lissly - "I'd want you to leave immediately, but it'd be too conspicuous if you left on foot for a journey like that. There's nothing in that direction but monster habitats, but with there not being any quests there it'll likely raise suspicion if the other hunters see you leave. We don't have a proper port for airships here yet, but I have a flight coming in from Eidolor tonight that is to take me to an undisclosed location east of here, well beyond the mountains. I have.. 'business' there to do with the current situation. A lot of guild directors are being shuffled around right now in attempt to gain information and judge the scope of the events."

Nyr - "Oooh.. A private flight just for you..? How lavish.."

Lissly - "Hmph, my job is typically far less exciting. However, these are interesting times currently.. The point is, I want you two to sneak aboard the ship and lie low, then drop out once we're over the mountains. It will all be under the cover of night."

Nyr - "A little unorthodox, but alright. Is that it?"

Lissly - "Actually.. There is.. one.. more thing.."

The tension in those words is undeniable.

Nyr - "E-Ehh..?

Lissly - "[Sighs] I.. have reason to believe that the ship will also be carrying some 'classified' sensitive cargo.. Sliding it into a simple personnel transport, hiding in plain sight, trying to remain so inconspicuous. It makes it that much more intriguing, no..?"

Nyr's eyes are lit up, the talk of such clandestine events already has her adrenaline pumping at the thought of what might be coming next.

Nyr - "And you want us to..?"

The look on her face makes Lissly even more apprehensive for what she's about to say.

Syr watches this unfold half rolling her eyes at her partner's child-like glee for potential espionage, and half endeared to that same behaviour.

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