Gojo Might Die?

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Once back Levi disappeared off away from Gojo without saying anything this left the other frowinig unsure what to do or what they did.

Levi walked into the room where Yuji and Blade are then motioned for them to come with him they both got up and followed but not before pausing Naruto. Once they got to the room Yuji has been staying in and locked the door so Gojo couldn't walk in. Yuji and Blade flopped onto the bed as Levi took his usual seat on the floor and opened an energy drink after tapping it 13times.

"So what happened to cause you to be down then. Who are we killing" Blade spoke up after some silence.

Yuji nodded in agreement while Sukuna was listening in.

"Basically remember not to have a crush on someone who ain't into guys." Levi summed it up shortly.

"How do you know Gojo isn't into guys?" Blade asked causing Yuji to stare shocked just catching on.

"He said it to some blue haired chick, who asked if we were dating as Gojo grabbed my hand to stop me from escaping a question" Levi said then looked at his phone at the messages from Gojo, Megumi and Kugisaki. "I'll need to leave for some training soon and play the game of avoid the white haired teacher."

Blade watched as Levi jumped out the window to escape Gojo  who he sensed was in the hallway listening and quickly ran off fast to meet Megumi and Kugisaki.

On the other hand Blade unlocked the door and looked at Gojo not happy at all.

"Tell me the reason you decided to say that you aren't into guys, when sorry but we can all tell you are." Blade spoke bluntly with Yuji nodding.

"Hm. So that's why he was quiet after that?" Gojo hummed and doged a punch from Blade.

"You were listening to us talk in there. Also Zane called you a white haired small dicked bastared." Blade continued "Also you're smart so you should've already known how he felt!"

Yuji just kept nodding not knowing really what to say in regards to all of this. Gojo had tensed slightly knowing that he had been called out there all not knowing if Levi had actually gone to meet Megumi and Kugisaki or not.

"Yes I knew and yes I am into males but it'll cause alot of trouble if it all got out. So I have to think it all through." Gojo finished then dismissed himself.

Blade and Yuji were both annoyed by that and ranted while watching Naruto while yelling at random parts. The duo plus Sukuna cracking jokes.

-with Levi Megumi and Kugisaki-

"Levi you're late to the meet up" Kugisaki spoke unimpressed.

Levi just nodded in response and winced in pain slightly as his jaw hurt. Kugisaki was slightly shocked that there wasn't a comeback or even a small comment, Megumi even noticed and was thrown off by it all.

"What's wrong?" Megumi asked as the three walked to go train.

"Nothing" Levi reosoned but then saw Kugisaki look mad at her phone.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU LIKE GOJO-SENSEI!!?!?!?!?!" Kugisaki yelled out grabbing the smaller male and shaking him.

"Shut up." Levi spoke bluntly and loudly just wanting to forget everything that happened today.

"So it is true.." Megumi trailed off intrigued. "He never shut up about you and would always pick you up compared to us all"

This left the blue haired male confused while Kugisaki grinned and Megumi made a plan with Blade to lock Gojo and Levi in a room together.

-time skip a week-

The two were lured into a windowless room and locked in there.


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