Tiny Brothers-

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Rin decided to play a prank on Blade and Levi with help of Karma and Rez. Rin had got Blade to make a potion for him and Levi saying it'd make them both stronger than before but actually the effects were completely different. The two brothers got turned into children for the day.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Blade screamed out as he looked around as everything was massive and his voice was one of a toddlers.

"U-um.. I'm even smaller... Why is my voice squeaky!? What the fuck is this all!?!" Levi freaked out slightly trying to climb up onto the sofa but failing.

Blade and Levi were left alone for Abit while Yuji and Gojo were training. Sukuna had already returned to Yuji as the potion had ran out. The two looked at each other and tried to figure out how to deal with this. Both realizing that they have a whole day to figure out what to do but Levi smiled cheekily.

"So does this mean we get more caffeine?" Levi asked whole tapping his can.

"YES" Blade yelled and drank most of his energy drink.

The duo sat there swamped by their own clothes drinking energy drinks when Gojo and Yuji entered the room. Yuji froze while Gojo grinned big and picked the two now toddlers up and ran out into another room putting them in Pikachu onesies while grinning. Levi pouted at Gojo while Blade glared annoyed.

"So cute!!!!!!!" Gojo exclaimed making the two even more annoyed. "Don't look so annoyed!" he whined.

Yuji walked in and Blade reached for him while looking annoyed. The pink haired boy picked up the green haired toddler and grinned.

"Tiny Blade" Yuji said and got pinched in response. "You keep Levi I'm taking Blade" Yuji then walked out grabbing energy drinks for Blade and games.

Gojo just stood there looking at Levi who was pouting looking really mad at this then decided to put Pringles in front of the small boy seeing how he'd react. Slowly Levi opened them while still glaring at Gojo while eating. Once he had enough he jumped off the table and ran after stumbling. Gojo Just walked after him making sure the blue haired boy didn't get hurt and once they past Yuji and Blade they saw the duo asleep and Levi took that as his chance to escape outside he instanly ran into the woods to escape the man.

"Levi don't go off too far!" Gojo shouted but it was too late the boy looked up at the person he bumped into and saw Geto.

"Hi again forehead stitch" Levi said while he was sat there in the Pikachu onesie.

Geto looked down at the boy recognizing him from another day then picked him up patting his head.

"Why are you now a child?" Geto asked.

"Potion" The other answered and suddenly he placed Levi down and left fast but not before leaving a note for the boy who hid it in the onesie.

"There you are" Gojo exclaimed and picked up the blue haired boy.

"mmmm" Levi hummed and yawned.

This caused Gojo to laugh and held the boy close while walking back to the school unsure of who the small boy had spoke to. As he was going to ask he looked at the boy and noticed he was asleep, smiling Gojo patted the boys head and entered his own room laying on the bed with the other on his chest fast asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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