Bonding? 1/2

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By the time Fushiguro reached Levi he stopped as he watched the smaller male fight against the curses happily. Neon blue and orange cat ears and a tail adorned his features while his katanas matched. He quickly exorcised two of the curses but struggled with the last one. Fushiguro didn't think twice and summoned his Demon dogs to attack the last curse causing the smaller male to stop and watch intrigued.

"So cute" he spoke and stroked the two dogs while smiling the dogs sat there happily.

Fushiguro approached the male watching as his ears and tail as well as his weapons disappearing in a blue and orange mist, it seems the boy was more than he let on.

"You okay?" The emo looking male asked.

"Yeah just tired that's two fights in one day" The blue haired male answered and finished fussing over the dogs then stood up facing the other male.

The two stared at each other for a second or so but then walked silently back to the school despite both being tired.

The Cursed Duo (jjk X two brothers) Where stories live. Discover now