The 6 knights of black

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"Are you ready master Solaad" i say mockingly as me and Meliodas get ready in the room Ellatte gave us.

He gave me hard glare and i laughed. We heard a knock on the door.

"Master Solaad, Ellatte is waiting for you."

"Mk be right there." He closed the door and turned to me. He let out a sigh "you look beautiful thanks for being cool about all this." He then hugs me and give me a kiss.

"You look handsome and no problem  i'll be waiting in the crowd." I say leaving to go. He then walks out with the woman to go see Ellatte.  "Wrong way Y/N" he shouts from the end of the hall. I turned direction "i knew that." I say

Little time skip.

The ceremony wasn't that bad actually currently Ellatte and a group of girls were dancing while Meliodas sat on a throne. After the dance a lady brought Ellatte a winged sword. I know what they're used for i pray it doesn't touch Meliodas .

As Ellatte picked up the sword she got on her knees. Zoria  and Meliodas walked towards her. Meliodas doesn't look half bad in that outfit he actually looks really good. When Zoria picked up the sword others raised their swords in the air.

"Here and now i take our sacred treasure which has been able to suppress the demon clan for many years and hand it down to my son." Zoria says

When he was about to hand it to meliodas all i can think about was dont touch it, dont touch it. When meliodas realized he could tell what he gotten himself into "this is.." i heard him say

"Hey come one what are your doing." Ellatte says

A big rumble came from the egg above please dont tell me i thought to myself.  Meliodas quickly rushed by me and grabbed "stay by me" he said in a serious tone.

"Dont forget i am a fairy queen i can do this."

He let out a sigh "just stay by me and be safe i dont know what i'll do if  i lost  you."

"Alright i love you." I say

"I love you too."

Demons popped out of the egg from left in right. I haven't seen demons like those in a very long time. People shouted from the top of their lungs and pointed.

"The ceremony will have to wait." Zoria said

Zoria and his men of the kingdom started to fight.

"Get everyone evacuated." Ellatte said

Me and meliodas turned around "you need to evacuate too its not safe." I said

"Im a celestial warrior as well." Says Ellatte

"We understand but your no match from them." Meliodas says

"Its not about being a match for them its about protecting my village." Ellatte says flying off

"Damn it ,she doesnt listen at all." I say

"Good grief." Meliodas sighs

Me and Meliodas eyes flew open at the sight they had pink rings glowing around the egg and you can tell demons were released.

"Damn it." Meliodas says

"Dont die on me." I say

"I promise." He says

We went our separate ways to help people. There was a women and a child about to get eaten "rosa" i say calling on my sword the demon was sliced in half and the heart was destroyed. "Go to safety." I told them.

Another demon was near, this one was more slender i used my fairy powers and large branches sprouted from the ground gripping and and squeezing it until it was in a million pieces.

From the view i spotted Ellatte about to attack a demon i rushed but Meliodas beat me. Grabbing her just in time. I landed on the side of him. Good thing he stopped her because she would've been dead.

"Whats this all about." The robot demon said sprouting out multiple needles but Meliodas blocked it with his sword. Wait

"Where'd you get that from." I say

"Granny gave it to me." He says laughing

"You two must be Bellion's target I'm going to make this y'all's last conversation."

"Bellion." Meliodas says. His names sounds too familiar. Meliodas through Ellatte and screamed get out of here.

Bellion was about to attack Meliodas until i stepped in front blocking his attack with my sword. Unfortunately i was sent flying back "Y/N!!!" I heard Meliodas scream. I flew back more and more and then i finally caught my balance.

"Was that him." I say

" most would've died from the attack good for you... human." He says.

"Your Bellion from the 6 knights of black." I say. I remember about Meliodas telling me about those selfish people.

"Ahhh you know my name." He says about to strike me but Meliodas blocked it for me. "Meliodas." I say under my breath.

"I got you." Meliodas says to me so much force was being sent from the swords you can feel it.

"Ohh your trying to protect your little girlfriend." 

"Run Y/N! Go protect Ellatte." Meliodas yells

"Got it!" I say flying off

"Damn how far was i thrown back.Found her."

I quickly flew down and seen her trying to strike the robot demon. "Watch out!" i shout. I aimed to slice his neck off but he just rearranged it. "What the hell." I say under my breath. This might take some time.

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