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Y/N POV. (2 weeks later)
As i sit stand on the balcony and watch the view one thing has been getting to me. And that thing was Meliodas and King fighting i mean its not so common to see. And when Meliodas said it was nothing I knew he were lying. Who fights over "nothing." So I decided i was just going to ask him my self.

I walk  down stairs to the bar area and see everyone there well not Meliodas he was upstairs showering . "Hey King can I please talk to you outside."

"Anything you can say to me everyone else can hear."

"Umm okayy." Thats weird when did he become such a bitch about everything that has to do with me.

"I was just wondering why you and Meliodas were fighting."

"Why is it any of your concern." King says in a harsh tone.

"Hey, king she was just asking a question." Gilthunder says.

"I actually wanna know the real reason too." Howzer says.

Everyone agreed with Howzer and me wanting to know the real answer.

"Since you guys wanna know i have no trust in Y/N and Meliodas and any trust i did have is gone." King says

"What is it about us that you cant trust?" I gave him a confused look.

"Everything i don't know how anyone can. No one knows where you nor him came from nor y'all real identity."

As i was about to snap back Elizabeth cut me off.
"Well you can say the same thing about me! I have no idea who my real parent are and im not even sure who i am to be honest."

And with those words king went to roof of the boar hat. When i think of Elizabeths words she's still the greatest friend I've always known.

"Say, im going for a quick walk." I say walking outside "i'll catch up a little later. It wont take long i promise".

Meliodas POV.
What a great shower i told myself hmm whys everything so quiet. When i got out the shower i wrapped a towel around my waist and looked on the balcony for Y/N but she wasnt  there. After not seeing her i put on my clothes and head down stairs.

"Yo!" After reading the room a little it kinda looked gloomy. "Wheres Y/N?" I say putting my hands in my pocket.

"She went for a walk." Howzer said.

"A walk." I asked in puzzled tone.

"Yea she went that way." Howzer said

"she couldnt have gotten far." Authur says

"Mh k" i went outside and scanned the area and boom i found her. It was a little hard because the area she was in were surrounded by trees.

"Where ya  goin" i say

She indulges me in hug.

"What was that for?" I say hugging her back.

"I just needed a hug. This is tiring honestly."

"Whats wrong?"

"Its King, i found out why you guys were fighting. It was because of me. It always seems as if im the problem you know. Its like since i came around your damaging  your bonds with the rest of the sins one by one. Like Diane and king and you almost got into a fight with Ban because of me."

"Y/N none of that is your fault and me and everyone are all good. I promise you. Now come on they're waiting for us."

"Wait i sense i another Fairy a little close."

"What do you mean."

"Its not King nor Gloxinia."

"Come" me and Meliodas pull out our wings and fly upwards.

"See" i say

"Is that Ban?" Meliodas says

"I think so, and some one else."
This is a little short but i was tryna hurry n post something and ngl i been proud of myself for postin everyday. I hate when Authors take so long to update and ion want that for yall soo i try to post every day andd also I  really appreciate the amount of reads it makes me so happy cause honestly ian think it was gon get this far much love💛

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