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"How about this one." Elizabeth says.

"Ouu Elizabeth that is nice thank youu." I say getting the outfit from her.

In the middle of me putting on the outfit i felt a very very strong urge of power outside

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In the middle of me putting on the outfit i felt a very very strong urge of power outside. Must be Meliodas when i walked out Elizabeth complimented me over and over. Which i really appreciate Zeneri walked out which only left me and Elizabeth.

"How about this one"

"Yess i love it!" Elizabeth said

I waited for her to put on her outfit. As i also complimented her. We then start walking out to meet up with everyone.

"Yo, has anyone seen Y/N?"

"And Elizabeth" Authur said

"We're right here!" I say

"Hey,there you are hows it going."

"Good it took us a little while to get changed though" i say

As we got there Authur had something strange on his head. I walked over to Meliodas as Elizabeth went to Authur.

"Is that Hawk!?" I say hawk looked like he was morphed with another animal

"Yupp, strange right." Meliodas says

"Definitely." I say nodding my head

"Meliodas look." I say giving him a full spin of my outfit.

He puts his head under my skirt "i lovee it"

I pluck him in the head. "You asked me what i thought." Meliodas said whining

"Yea what you thought not put your head under my skirt."

"Theres a sight for sore eyes" Howzer said

Meliodas was about to stick his fingers in his eyes

"Allow me." I say

I poked my fingers inside of Howzer eyes very hard. Howzer screams in pain.

"Dont you have any self control" Meliodas says hugging me

As we were about to leave we all said our goodbyes.

"Thanks Jenna and Zeneri" Meliodas said

"Feel free to come anytime and bring Ban with you too." Jenna says ( A/N This is like the part where ban left but ian feel like doin all that cause im tryna drag the show into the movie so were gonna pretend Ban came back from just finding them and not in the maze thing and also for Escanor we just gon pretend he's just been chilling lately but still with the sins.)

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