ch 27

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(7th year--Battle of Hogwarts)

The home that is my light became dark. The storm building outside. Hogwarts is surrounded by Death Eaters. My heart pounds in my chest. WIll I survive this? Will Harry and his friends win? Will Lord Voldmort win? Every student and Professor is running, getting ready.

As for me, I'm only looking for the one person I need. I felt strong arms pulling me in for a hug. Only one person hugs me like this. Blaise himself. My eyes flicked up, my lips smiling.

"I have something for you." Blaise whispers.


"I just hope you'll take it. Because I can't lose you."

"You won't lose me."

Blaise removed his arms. His hand went to his pocket. He's holding something and his hand came out. Blaise slowly let his hand relax. I gasped at the sight of a ring.

The ring is simple silver. Small emerald stones around the ring. Without hesitation, I took the ring. My lips turn into a smile. With the engagement ring on my wedding finger, my eyes went to Blaise. Blaise's lips smiled before crashing into mine.

Our kiss seemed to slow down time. The world around me disappeared as the kiss went on. My heart beat went fast, and fireworks went off inside me. This happens almost every single time we kiss.

When Blaise pulled away. Worried filled his eyes. He has to go. Go help Draco.

"It's okay." I whisper.

I put my hand on his heart. Making sure the engagement ring is over his heart. Blaise took my hand, filling the ring.

"Live." He whispers.


Without another being said, he hurried off. Trying to find Draco. Tears filled my eyes but I shook them away. Taking my wand, I went out into the battle. Fighting the death eaters. I saw Harry, Ron and Hermione getting stopped by my father.

Using a simple spell, my father came down. The trio looked at me. Both Hermione and Ron had pure shock written on their faces.

"GO!" I yelled.

Ron mumbled something but the trio hurried away. My wand shoots sparks. Suddenly every Death Eater vanished. Probably to regroup in the forest. My feet carried me to the great hall. My eyes filled with tears as I saw the dead bodies we have now. My eyes found George kneeling over his brother, his family around him. My heart breaks for the family.

Molly Weasley finds my eyes. She gave me a small sad smile. Probably reading the guilt and pain in my eyes.

'Sorry.' I mouthed to her.

She gives me a small nod. I see Harry walking in. We locked eyes. Before he could come to me, I hurried away. Not wanting to deal with him or the others at the moment. I just need to find Blaise and Draco. That's all that matters. Before I could get out of the hall, Harry stopped me.

"What?" I asked, glaring.

"I just want to say thank you." He says, "For stunning your dad so that we can get by."

"I'd do it over again if needed. That man is dark and cruel."

"I'm sorry about your life growing up with him."

"Have you seen Blaise? Draco?"

"I'm sure they're around here somewhere." Harry says, "We ran into them in the Room of Requirements. Goyle set the thing on fire. But Blaise and Draco escaped thanks to Ron and I. Goyle died, I'm afraid."

"I don't care about Goyle." I tell Harry, "It wasn't very nice to me to begin with."

Harry smiles a little. "Look, I'm sorry about I treated-"

I rolled my eyes. "You aren't really sorry. You just pity me. That's all. Now if you excuse me, I have someone to find."

I gave Harry a mocking bow of my head. My feet lead me to the Slytherin common room. I said the passwords, which is always Pureblood. I saw Draco and Blaise inthe common room. I hurried over to them.

"The hell!" I shout. "Potter told me-"

"Wait...When you speak to Potter?" Draco asked.

"He came up to me in the Hall. Said thank you for stunning my own father."

"You stunned your father?" Blaise asked.


"Salem you know what's gonna-"

"I know! But I'd do it over again."


"Because it felt good."

Draco and Blaise smiled and chuckled.

"Did Blaise give you a ring?" Draco asked.

I nodded and showed him the ring. Draco smiles.

"About time, Blaise." Draco says.

"Hey I if I would've given it to her when we first met,, I would."

Draco and I chuckled. But the laughter died soon. This is war. We shouldn't be laughing.

"We should probably go to the Great Hall." Draco says.

The three went to the Great Hall. Only to find people outside. My heart raced, Voldemort and the others came walking over. I felt Blaise's hand slipping into mine.


Blaise held me back. Keeping me away from the Death Eaters, knowing if I go to them...I would be dead.


Ginny screams, her dad holding her back. That poor girl and her breaking heart. I wished I had a family like hers. I dream about it sometimes. Mum and Dad being nice and saying I love you. I wanted that but couldn't have it.

"Draco." Mr. Malfoy says, "Draco, come here."

Draco hesitated. Waiting for someone to stop him. But no one did, so he walked to his father and mum.

"Salem?!" My mum shouts, her eyes looking at the crowd of people. "SALEM!"

"She's dead." Neville says.

"NO!" Mum shouts. "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU, BOY! SALEM!"

"SHE'S DEAD!" Neville shouts again.

I can't believe my eyes. A Gryffindor protecting me? From my own parents. My mum pulls out her wand. I did too. Just as she cast a spell, I casted one to protect Neviell.

"Who did that?" Voldemort asked, glaring at the kids. "Who casted another spell?"

Blaise held me back. In fact, he put me behind him. Hiding me from the others. Before Voldemort could say anything else, Harry jumped from Hagrid's arms.

"YESSS!" Students cheers.

Harry and Voldemort started fighting. Almost every death eater disappeared. Blaise pulled me away from the fight. Slipping behind Draco and his mother.

"Blaise we have-"

"We already did." He says, "Let's go while we still can."

I didn't bother talking back. I knew Blaise wanted me alive. But my heart felt so guilty. Although my Gryffindor friends don't want me to be with them, I knew deep down, they want help during the war. I gulped and looked at Blaise. Blaise pulls me close to him.

Every guilt I had a moment ago, faded. Guilt is replaced by love, warmth, and fireworks. Blaise wants me. He wants to marry me. The smile on my lips grew. Too bad it won't be a big wedding. 

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