Ch 7

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"'Ello my Ravenclaw friend."

"'Ello my Gryffindor friend."

"So I have a question."

"And I have an answer."

"What are your plans for the first Hogsmeade trip?"

"Honestly, I have none. Draco and Pansy are going on a date. Blaise not sure about him."

George's lips turn into the biggest smile I have ever seen.

"How about I take you on a date?"

I smiled. "I'd love that George."

George kissed my cheek. "I'll see you on the first day of the Hogsmeade trip."

I watched George hurried off. Probably to find his twin. My smile fell when I thought of Blaise once again. What will he think of this?

I skipped off to find Pansy and tell her the news. I knew she would be happy for me. She would help me pick out an outfit. I finally found her talking to Draco and Blaise by the potions classroom.

"Pansy!" I yelled.

The three heads turned to me. Blaise lips turned into a smile when he saw me. Which made my heart melt. Pansy hurried over to me.

"You yelled."

"George asked me out on a date." I whisper. "You have to help pick out an outfit."

Pansy gasp. "Of course I will! This is your first date!"

I glanced to see Blaise has his eyebrow raised. I felt a little guilty for not telling him.

"We must go now!"

"But the date isn't until-"

"You're never too early to pick an outfit."

Pansy and I hurried off leaving the boys behind.

"They must be confused." Pansy told me as we're now out of sight of the boys. "I don't think Blaise was too happy to hear you have a date."


"Girl, do you see the way he looks at you? How he only smiles around you? How he seem happier around you?"

I shake my head. I feel like an awful person for not noticing these things about Blaise.

"How he literally protected you last year."

"Maybe I should cancel-"

"Do not cancel the date!" Pansy yelled. "This is your first one. Even though it's with a Gryffindor. But still."

"Even if you are right." I tell Pansy. "I still feel bad about Blaise. What if he does like me?"

"He'll get over it. Promise. Right now you need to worry about the Weasley twin date."

Blaise wouldn't talk to me once he found out I went on a date. He wouldn't even look at me. My heart aches for him. The date George took me on was just lovely. I even agreed on a second date.

George and Blaise are two different people. I get that. But what I felt for Blaise when he kissed my cheek is different from what I feel with George.

However I do not feel love for George. It's too early to tell. But I do love being around him. His jokes always make me laugh. His person always makes me smile. His eyes just make me forget all the bad things that are happening at home. George made me feel normal.

"Is he still not talking to you?" Pansy asked me.

"No. I just wish I could talk to him."

"I saw him go into the library." Pansy hinted.

I thanked her before taking off. I slowed down as I entered the library. Knowing Blaise he would be in the back. I saw him doing homework.

My heart pounded in my chest. I saw him glance up at me as I walked closer to him. I opened my mouth but Blaise cut me off.

"I do not want to hear it." Blaise whispers. "Not from you nor that bloodily Weasley."


Blaise stood up cutting me off. His text book in one hand. Paper in the other.

"Do not say my name." He hissed in a low tone. "In fact, do not come near me while you're with him."

Tears fell down as I watched Blaise hurried out. I found myself out of the library. My vision blurred as I walked past George and Fred. I heard George telling his brother to go on without him.

I whipped the tears that escaped as I stopped and waited for George. I knew he hated to see me in a sad mood. But I also knew he would make me happy.

"Salem?" George asked in a worried tone. "Salem what-"

I shake my head. George sighed.

"Alright. We don't have to talk. But I do hate seeing you sad...."

I glanced up to look at George's eyes. I waited for him to finish. I didn't feel like talking. At least not yet.

"Give me your hand."

George held out his hand. Without hesitation I put my hand in his. He dragged me away. He led me down to Whomping Willow.



George pulled me into a tunnel. We followed the tunnel and I gasped. I knew we were in the Shrieking Shack. I looked at George with pure wonder in my eyes. All George did was smile at me.

"Like it?" He asked.

I nodded and smiled. The last of my tears are fading away.

"Of course." I say in a whisper.

"Whatever happened that made you cry, forget it." George tells me. "In fact I want to ask you something."


"I want you to be my girlfriend."

I wanted my heart to flutter like when Blaise kissed my cheek. However I did not. I still smiled at him.

"Well?" George asked.

His eyes are filled with hope. I wasn't the one to let anyone down. So I said the only thing that would make him happy.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend George Weasley."

Without warning me, George's lips smashed into mine. I had to force my lips to kiss his back. I'm sure he felt the sparks but as for myself, I didn't.

I begged for them to come. However they didn't. This was nothing. When Blaise kissed my cheek, my heart ached for his lips on mine. But with George I felt nothing. However that didn't stop me from saying yes or kissing his lips.

However I knew this need would hurt Blaise just like how the date hurt him. But I need to let him know myself. I need to make him listen to me. No matter what. 

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