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(3 year)

Weeks have past since George asked me to his girl. Blaise wouldn't even look nor talk to me. Although it pained my heart to see Blaise so cold to me, George would do his to make me forget about Blaise.

George made me feel more normal than I have ever felt. However, when he would ask about my family. I just changed the subject. I haven't told my parents about George.

I didn't want them to ruin our relationship. Nor did I feel comfortable sharing about my parents to those who think wrongly of Slytherins. I didn't want Hogwarts to be a bad place for me. Hogwarts felt like home. More of a home than I ever had.

I finally cornered Blaise one day after of him of not speaking nor talking to me. He didn't look too happy but I didn't care. I needed to speak to him.

"Please talk to me." I begged him. "You promise you'll never leave my side, remember-"

"Until you started dating that....that Wesalbee!"

I flinched at his loud tone of voice. I saw the worry mix with hurt in his eyes.

"Sorry." He whispers.

Blaise rubbed the back of his neck.

"Can we please be friends again, Blaise?" I asked. "I just miss you."

He sighed. "I'll think about it. But no promises."

Without thinking I kissed his cheek and walked away. I found George and Fred in the great hall. I smiled and skipped off to him. I stood behind him as I put my arms around his neck. My lips touched his cheek.

"'Ello love." George says.

"Hey. Planning another prank?"

"When are we not?" Fred asked.

"Who's the victim this time?"

"You'll see." They said smiling.




Almost everyone's head turned to the scream of a Crabbe and Goyle. I smiled and laughed as I saw that their hair had turned a brightly pink. The two ran out of the hall. Everyone laughed as they ran.

"That's not all." George whispers.

After Crabbe and Goyle's pink hair, another scream came from Flint. Soon followed by the whole Slytherin quidditch team.

"They're lunch turned into bugs and other things." Fred explained.

"That's what they got for cheating last year." Lee mumbled.

I turned to face George.

"Walk me to class?" I asked.

"Already planning on it, love."

Without hesitation George stood up and said goodbye to his brother and Lee. George gently took my hand as we walked out of the great hall.

"You have Mr. Lupin next right?"

"Sure do." I tell him, smiling. "I have it with Hermione, Ron and Harry."

We stopped outside the door. I was early for once. George kissed me on the lips before leaving. I saw Blaise and Draco coming just as George left.

Draco whispered something Blaise. But Blaise didn't answer. I waved at them. Only Draco waved back. I felt hurt that Blaise didn't wave.

They must have sensed my sadnesses, since Blaise hesitated to wave at me. It didn't work. I found myself in Lupin's classroom.

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