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Letter four:
I hated my family. Their taste in dark magic. Their love for Lord Voldmort. I swear they loved him as if he was their child. Hermione there's a reason why I never spoke of them during our Hogwarts years. I knew if I did, all of you would've thought the sorting hat made the wrong choice of putting me in Ravenclaw. All of you would've thought I had to be a Slytherin because of my family. George wouldn't have dated me in the first place. To think, George was my light during Hogwarts. I was stupid for falling for someone who wouldn't understand my pain. Sometimes I wonder if we would really make it as a couple if he hadn't found my dark mark. Part of me is glad that he did. Otherwise, I wouldn't be with Blaise. Blaise is so good to me. He's the one that helped me master the patronus charm again. Yes, I did lose the ability to do that spell when I got the dark mark and when George broke us off. Hermione, I know you have a million questions for me. If these letters or memories don't answer them, please feel free to owl me or find me. Please use one drop of the memory.

End of Letter 4

Hermione stood up from her desk to find Draco standing in the doorway of her office. Hermione grabbed the memory bottle from her drawer.

"I need-"

"I know." Draco says cutting her off. "Use my office. You know the spell, I'm sure. I have a meeting to go to anyway. I got an owl from Salem. Did she and George really have a fight?"

Hermione sighed. "Mrs. Weasley invited her for dinner. Some people weren't happy about it. They had to leave early. Blaise said something about going to his mums-"

Draco laughs.

"What?" Hermione asked glaring. "What is so funny?"

"If you know Salem like you said you do," Draco says once his laughter dies down. "You would know that Salem does not like Blaise's mother. They didn't go to his mother's place."

"But he said-"

Draco smiles making Hermione stop.

"I would say that you would understand; but you probably won't. Just read the letters."

Hermione nodded. "I will."

Draco left. Hermione behind him. She went to his office and called out the pensive, and added one drop to it. Hermione took a deep breath before sticking her face in the water. Hermione found herself standing next to 12 Salem.

Hermione could see the nervous in Salem's eyes as she waited with the rest of the first years.

"It is true then." Draco says, "Harry Potter is here at Hogwarts."

12 year old Draco went to stand in front of Harry.

"The name Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." Draco says.

Ron tried to hold in his laughter. Draco glared.

"You think my name is funny do you?" Draco asked. "No need to ask for yours. Let's see, red hair, hand me down robes, you must be a weasley."

Draco turned to face Harry again.

"You see Potter there are some wizarding families that are better than others. I can help you there."

Draco held out his hand for Harry to shake.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks." Harry told Draco.

Hermione smiled but her eyes flickered over to Salem. She stands next to Pansy.

"That boy has no taste in friends." Pansy whispers to Salem. "I'm Pansy Parkinson."

"Salem Piper."

"Piper?" Pansy asked. "My parents know your parents. I think our mums used to be friends."

"That's new to me." Salem says. "My mum hasn't told me stories of her Hogwarts years."

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