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(Present Day—Zabini's home)

A loud knock came from the front door. Salem's heart pounded. As if it was normal she stood behind Blaise. Blaise took her hand as they watched the door burst open.

Their hearts relaxed as Draco Malfoy and his wife, Astoria Malfoy stood in front of them. Blaise and Salem's hearts relaxed.

"What?" Draco asked.

"We thought you were Salem's father." Blaise told him.

Draco rolled his eyes.

"See I told you!" Astoria says to Draco. "I told you not to bang that freak'n door."

"Sorry love." He says, "You're right."

Draco kissed the cheek of his wife. Salem's free arm hugged Blaise's arm. Holding his arm like mmm became a habit. Especially back in Hogwarts, when her dark mark would burn her skin when Lord Voldemort called his Death Eaters.

"So why are you here?" Blaise asked Draco.

"We have to leave, remember?" Draco says to them. "Salem's father is still out there-"

"Who won't hurt her."

George stepped in, Alenglia followed. Hermione, Ron after. Ginny and Harry. Salem looked at her old Gryffindor friends. Tears filling her eyes.

George had learned that she would always love Blaise. But he didn't care. He just wanted to be her friend again.

Their dating life may have been in the past. His hatred for her in 5th year when he found the dark mark vanished.

Blaise's hand let go of his wife's hand. He hated the coldness he felt a while being from Salem.

Blaise stepped behind the counter and pulled out the time turner. He kept it close in his hands as he walked back up to the group.

Blaise tossed the time turner to George. A small smile shown on Blaise's lips.

"By the way," Blaise says to George, "I never used it. You did."

"But how-"

"You don't want to know." Blaise told him. "It's best if we stop talking about it."

"You guys don't have to do this." Salem says in a whisper.

"We need to make it up to you." Ginny told her. "For being an awful friend back in 6th year."

Salem's heart ached. Blaise kissed her cheek. That small kiss set off fire inside Salem. To set the fire off, she needs his lips on hers to set them off.

"Thank you." Blaise told the Gryffindors and Slytherins.

It was odd that the two enemies started to work together because of Salem. Blaise knew how much Salem meant to the Gryffindors. But however, in their time in 6th year, they didn't want her around

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