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(Present day—The Piper Mansion)

Salem's heart pounded in her chest as she and the others entered her old home. Hermione and Ginny shivered. Salem turned to them.

"I did that every time I came home from Hogwarts." She tells them.

The mansion was dark and strange. Her mother was a collector. Her mother didn't care if the item was bone or not. She wanted it.

Every part of the walls are covered with a painting or flowers or bone. If it could be hung, her mother did it.

Salem's hand gripped tightly around Blaise's. Blaise looked at her. She looked at him. She nodded. So did he. Together they stepped into the living room. The others followed behind.

"Are you sure he's here?" Ginny asked.

"He could be." Salem told her. "Last time we saw him at Blaise's mothers. And I do not want to go there."

""Nor do I." Blaise added. "My mother will not allow Gryffindors in her house."

Salem had no clue why she was back in her childhood home. She felt Harry's eyes on her. Her head turned to look at him.

"What?" She asked him.

"You lived here?" He asked, pure shock took over him.

"It wasn't a happy place to grow up." She told him, glaring. "Remember?"

Salem let go of Blaise's hand and showed Harry the dark mark. The mark that haunts her sleep. Especially after she got it. She shivered and pulled her sleeve down. Blaise retook her hand. He hated the feel of hers being away from his.

"So what are we doing here?" George asked. "Can we leave, I don't like this place."

"Why leave? You barely got here."

Salem tensed at her father's words. His voice sent her shivers. The group turned around to see Salem's father blocking their way out. Lucky for them, he had no wand. Or so they thought. Salem shouted Protecago just as her father casted spell. His wand flew to Harry's hand just fast as Harry shouted the disarming spell. Salem's father laughed.

"We should leave." Hermione says to Salem. "Before something bad happens."

Salem's father stopped laughing.

"Leave?" He asked. "My daughter, you haven't been home in years! Why leave when you just got here? This is your home."

"Home?" Salem asked, glaring at her father. "This Mansion isn't my home. Nor will ever be! A real father would have shown my love. A real father would have asked if I was doing okay when I wasn't. A real father would have refused Lord Voldemort's mark on a child!"

"Do not disrespect Lord Voldemort, girl! You weren't a child when you got that mark! As for love...It makes the human mind weak and breakable."

"She was 15!" Blaise shouted. "15!"

Salem's father looked at Blaise.

"I don't believe I gave permission to marry my daughter."

"I did anyway. Because I love her. Our love is stronger than your hate."

Salem's father gave a dry chuckle.

"Love? What's love got to with your marriage?"

"Everything." Salem hissed at her father. "He was there for me when you weren't. He protected me when you didn't. He showed me love when you didn't."

Salem's father took a step towards her but everyone pulled out their wands, stopping him.

"Same day, my daughter, you'll thank me for what I taught you."

"Taught me?" Salem hissed. "You taught me nothing."

"I did teach you something, didn't I, my daughter?"


Salem's father raised an eyebrow.

"I did teach you something, my daughter, but I will not tell you what. Think back and remember my lesson."

"If you're talking about the house rules-"

"Not that. Something more important that house rules. Though, you did break those to bring friends with Gryffindors."


"The house elves, and letters you hidden."

"You were looking through my things?!"

"No. I wasn't."

Salem's father turned his back towards them.

"We're taking you in." Harry growled. "I have your wand, remember."

Salem's father walked out, the group followed. However once the group got outside, Salem's father was gone.

"Where did he go?" Ron asked. "He was here, in front of us!"

Salem hurried back inside. Knowing her father would trick them.

"Where's Salem?" Hermione asked.

"She was there too!" Ron added.

"Shit." Blaise mumbled hurrying inside.

However the front door was locked.

"It's locked." Blaise said.

"Move over." Hermione told him.

"Alohomora." Hermione says to the door.

She tried, it didn't open. Normally it would open. But this time...It was different.

"Alohomora!" She shouted again. "Alohomora! Why isn't the spell isn't working?!"

"Move out of the way!" Harry yelled.

Hermione quickly moved as Harry's foot came at the door handle. It slightly broke, so Harry kicked it again. The handle broke ana Blaised rushed in. He and Draco knew the house well, since they came here often in their teens. The group followed.

Blaise stood in the living room. Draco next to him. Panic fills Blaise's heart as he looks around. Trying to see something that would seem out of place. He'd never been away from Salem unless it was work. Other than work, he was always with Salem. Every chance he had, he would be with Salem.

"SALEM!" Blaise yelled.

His yell, echoed in the house. His heart pounded in his chest. Then he saw it. Her wand on the ground in the hallway. He hurried to the wand. He picked it up. His eyes glanced to the end of the hall, her childhood bedroom door was open. Draco grabbed Blaise's arm, stopping him from running.

"Blaise you can't go in alone."

"She's my wife." Blaise hissed, getting out of Draco's grip. "I have to save her."

Blaise took off. As soon as he stepped into the room, the door slammed shut.

"Salem?" Blaise asked, hoping she'll answer. "Salem!"

Instead of Salem, her father stepped out of Salem's closet. Blaised glared.

"Where's Salem?!"

"She's fine. Don't worry."

"I am going to ask again. Where. Is. Salem?"

"For a husband, you suck at your job."

Blaise pinned Salem's father to the wall, Salem's wand poking at the father's throat. Fire shown in Blaise's eyes.

"Where. Is. Salem?" Blasied asked, his voice in a growl.

"Her mother in law." 

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