ch 12

77 3 4

(4th year-Yule Ball-Hogwarts)

George spun me around. I giggled as George pulled me close to him.

"You look beautiful." George whispers. His lips gently kissed my cheek.

My eyes glanced around the room. My eyes landed on Katie. Who is sadly sitting alone at one of the tables.

"George?" I asked.

"Yes my love?"

"Why don't you go ask Katie to dance? She looks awfully lonely."

"But you're-"

"It's okay. Every girl wants their night to be special."

George nodded. "I'll ask her to dance for two dances that's it."

"That's my boy."

George kissed my cheek before leaving. I sighed and smiled when I saw Katie smile. I found myself walking to the back of the room. I saw someone joined me and stood next to me.

"Pretty pathetic that your date is dancing with someone else and not you."

"I told him to ask her to dance."

"Why would you do that? He's your boyfriend isn't he?"

"I'm a nice person, Blaise."

"Take a walk with me?"

"I'd love too."

I followed Blaise out into the hall. I could tell something was bothering him. I was just waiting to hear him admit himself before I spoke.

"I've pictured this night differently." He said.

A small awkward chuckle escaped his lips.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I'll admit I am jealous of Weaselbee."

"Why?" I asked. "There's nothing to be jealous of."

"Yes there is."

Blaise and I stopped at an empty hallway. When Blaise finally locked eyes with me, I could see hurt in them.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Blaise didn't say a word as he moved a piece of my hair behind my ear. My heart pounds in my chest as he leans in close.


I felt his lips on my cheek. Fireworks exploded inside me.

"He has everything I ever wanted." Blaise whispers.

His lips an inch apart from mine.

"Everything that I love."

I felt his lips connected with mine. I knew that I had to pull away but I felt my lips moving with his. More fireworks exploded inside of me. This is wrong, but I didn't stop. My heart wanted Blaise. My mind kept telling me to pull away because I am with George. Blaise slowly pulls away. His eyes locked onto mine.

"He has you." Blaise whispers.

Blaise took a few steps back. Tears filled my eyes as I watched Blaise walk away. I let out a small sob as my knees begin to buckle. I knew what I just did was wrong and cheating on George. But it felt so right. Blaise made everything better. He made the fireworks go off inside me during that kiss.

I knew I had to tell George. But I just couldn't. At least not now. Not tonight.

"Hey, I was looking everywhere for you."

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