Hunter's body was covered in the same golden aura that appeared when he first entered the spirit world. And just as it did before, it slowly faded away.

The room was a close mirror of the one he was last in. This one though was actually lit up. It felt more alive.

The room had statues and shelves of books and other nicknacks. Paintings hung along the walls and dust was kept off the shelves. The whole place seemed like a maid had passed through and cleaned up. Could it be the spirits?

Hunter jumped when he heard the Pack Killer yell, "Open door!" It was followed by pounding on the other side of the tunnel.

Looking around there was only one thing Hunter thought could open the door more. It looked like a wheel that could be turned. He hadn't seen anything like this on the other side.

Hunter looked towards the small crack in the wall, the pack killer. Was letting him into the depths of uncharted spirit demon territory really the best idea?

He knew the Pack Killer couldn't get in this section alone and needed him. But Hunter didn't even know why he needed to be in this part of the castle. Hunter had his reason, but what was the Pack Killer's?

Slowly, he turned the wheel and the door started to budge. Hunter knew that he could try and wait out the Pack Killer but then he'd have a target on his back. And without Zekaj, Hunter couldn't protect himself.

There was a good chance that when Hunter got the door open the Pack Killer would just kill him anyway when he made it through. If Hunter explored alone he was sure the Pack Killer would wait him out.

And he had his backpack. He couldn't just abandon his backpack.

He just hoped he could shut this place off for good once they both got what they needed. Then he couldn't return and cause harm to the spirits.

The doors slowly opened with every turn of the wheel. When it was barely even halfway open, Hunter heard the scrape of metal in the tunnel. Suddenly, the large body of the Pack Killer emerged into the lit room.

Hunter now could take him all in.

He was tall, at his own height. Strong and muscular, around the same build as Emrys just a little smaller. His aura was a light indigo color that slowly faded away as well.

The suit he wore was black as the night and where his face should have been, was the void, only the glowing white eyes shown through.

Extending his hand, Hunter's backpack lay at the end of them. Hunter quickly snatched it and threw it back on.

The Pack Killer was looking at him as if he wanted to say something. He didn't and just started walking down the hall. Hunter soon followed and the two were heading off deeper into the castle.

The long hall came out to a spacious room and staircases that lead down. The Pack Killer gripped the side of the railing and vaulted over it.

Hunter ran to the edge and saw he had landed perfectly fine. The drop was about 40 feet down. Quickly, he made his way down the stairs.

The room was spacious and filled with beautiful statues and banners. Intricate details of silver were all around the room and beautiful sapphire and diamond gemstones were accented in parts of them.

The statues were that of demons, with horns of various lengths in different sets of armor. Many of them held swords, shields, and staffs. All of them were aimed towards one thing.

A sword in a stone pedestal.

It had grabbed the attention of both Hunter and the Pack Killer. An unnatural beam of blue light cast down upon it. The intricate diamond runes on the sword gleamed in the light.

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