" Sophia i will help you upstairs and that is all you're getting out of me ."

She rolled her eyes and i walked her to the stairs going behind her in case he leg gives in and she falls . Then she dropped the blanket i had around her leaving her in just the bikini she had been wearing .

" Whoops ."

" Well you seem to be recovering quickly ."

I turn to see Mason staring at Sophia . I was already wound up so seeing him made everything worse . I couldn't help myself . I lunged forward knocking Mason to the ground .

" What the fuck is wrong with you ?"

I punched his face a couple times until i didn't feel angry anymore . This happens quite a lot so it's not a big deal . We fight all the time .

I heard Sophia screaming at me to stop but i didn't until i felt her hands grab my arm effectively lifting me back up to stand . Leaving Mason lying on the ground coughing .

I spun around still in a trance. That's when i saw Sophia flinch . Did she think i was going to hurt her ? I haven't known this girl long but i thought by now she wouldn't think so low of me .

" Why did you flinch ?"

My breathing was now getting heavier . I took a step towards her and she took one back . This continued til her back was against the stairs .

" Reflexes i-" her eyes wouldn't meet mine .

" Bullshit . You thought i was gonna hit you didn't you ? After saving you again you seriously thought i would hit you . "

Her eyes were looking off to the side and i saw that i had unconsciously placed my hand against the wall trapping her . I moved it back by my side .

"Can you really blame me ? "

She walked over to Mason and tried to help him .I went back to my office and stayed there for the remainder of the day til Mason knocked on my door .

" What ?"

" We need to talk about what happened    earlier ."

Is he serious?

" Oh cry me a river Mason you're fine ."

He sat down across from me .

" That's not what i meant . We've only known Sophia a couple days i know , but the panic in your eyes when you carried her out of the pool today and how offended you got when she flinched because she thought you would hit her . Ace there's something there ok."

I scoffed .

" Mason yo-".

" Ace shut the fuck up for once and let me talk.After you left i was talking to Sophia . No matter how hard i tried the conversation always seemed to steer back to you . The night we were all drinking she was all over you . You're the most unfunny person i know and yet i still heard her laughing the other day when you were with her . "

" Mason ."

" Again , not finished. The day you had the fight she looked like a cheerleader on your side , and finally she told me about that rule, the one you completely made up just to keep her away from me . "

He sat back in his chair looking very proud of himself. It's true i have no rule about the boys . Never have had one . I don't know why i lied .

Just then the door opened,i thought it was Greg but it was Sophia . She really had impeccable timing .

" What do you want ?"

Mason kicked my under the table so i decided to try be nicer .

" Greg wants to drink tonight and so do i but it's your house so i just thought i'd tell you , that's all ."

Mason looked at me and i knew i had to .

" One or two won't hurt i suppose ."

About three bottles later we were all pretty messy . The boys had a card game going and Sophia and i were watching when i noticed a text on her phone . From a guy .

• love u 2❤️

I grabbed her phone which got her attention. I held it up in the air where she couldn't reach . Classic i know .

" Who's texting you they love you ?"

" No one give it back ."

She tried jumping on the couch and then wrapping her legs around me . She was clinging on to me by my neck .

" Tell me ."

" Ugh fine . I lied ok ."

She was quite tipsy as was i so that didn't make sense .

" Yesterday i lied . Today's actually my eighteenth. That was my brother saying happy birthday ".

I set her down keeping my arm snaked around her waist .

" Is that so ?"

" Yup ."

I sat back down on the couch brining Sophia with me by the waist and setting her on my lap .


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