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Phoebe smiles into her pillow, groaning quietly as she's stirred awake.

Soft caresses up her spine cause goosebumps to erupt across her skin, her heart warming when she feels lips join fingers. Him. James. Her husband.

She laughs quietly to herself, wondering if she'll ever get used to it. Probably not. She hadn't gotten used to him, to love. To happiness.

"What's so funny, Phoebe?"

James' voice is still raspy from sleep, warm and familiar. Phoebe hides her face, her response muffled, "You are."

James chuckles, kissing her shoulder blade softly. She jumps when he glides her teeth down her spine, his voice gravely,

"You're fucking addicting."

"I've heard," She snorts, laughing when his hands snake under her hips and easily flip her over. He grins and lavishes her stomach with kisses, moving to run his tongue over the bruises he'd left on her hip bones the night before. She was like jelly beneath him, exhausted from their first night as newlyweds.

She whines quietly when he playfully kisses her thigh, "James, are you not tired?"

"Never, my love." He replies easily, voice playfully as he says, "My stamina is bountiful when it comes to you."

"How romantic," She says sarcastically, a laugh bubbling out of her involuntarily when his hand sneaks down to tickle her foot. She leans up on her elbows and peers down at where he's settled between her legs, his head laying comfortably on her thigh as he grins.

"You look awfully happy down there," Phoebe teases, wincing slightly as he moves her leg. He smiles sheepishly and asks lowly, "Was I too rough?"

"No," Phoebe replies quickly, flushing when he quirks a brow and smirks. She clears her throat and says firmly, "Just fine."

"Fine," He scoffs, sliding up to lay next to her, he presses a chaste kiss to her cheek and mutters, "What a glowing review."

"You need me to tell you that I enjoyed myself last night?" Phoebe wonders, quirking a brow and flushing deeper when he replies smugly, "Nope. I know you did."

Phoebe flops back down into her pillows with an exasperated sigh, biting back a smile as James laughs next to her. He leans over and peppers her face with love sick kisses, his heart swelling when she finally relents and grins beneath his touch.

He pauses when a low rumbling sound breaks the comfortable silence. James looks down at her stomach in surprise before whipping his head up to her and asking slowly, "Did you not eat last night?"

Phoebe scoffs, replying indignantly, "Of course I ate! I'm just....I'm hungry I guess."

James blinks at her, brows furrowing as he wonders, "You're hungry? I've never heard you say that before."

Phoebe shrugs and mutters awkwardly, "It will go away soon."

James freezes, quickly sitting up and saying furiously, "It will go away when you eat!"

"James, I—JAMES!" She shrieks when she's suddenly yanked out of her bed and thrown over his shoulder. And while he had put his shorts back on, she hadn't.


"I know," He quips. "It's awesome."

Phoebe struggles in his grip, wriggling and shouting as he promptly carries her out of her room and down the stairs. He knocks on the door of the kitchen and when he gets no response walks in, dropping her to her feet. Her hands instantly fly to cover herself as she cries, "James Fleamont Potter, I'm going to—"

She blinks in surprise when familiar clothing is shoved into her hands. She smiles reluctantly and pulls on the chuddley cannons sweatpants with her hollyhead harpies jumper.

"When did you grab those?" She wonders, grinning when he guides her into a chair and replies cheekily, "I had them the whole time. Just wanted one last good look at you naked."

"You're incorrigible," Phoebe mutters, flicking a flame at his feet as he laughs. He winces and jumps away, pointing a warning finger at her. She just smiles and props her feet up on another chair, watching with amusement while he gathers things for cooking.

They both jump, Phoebe nearly falling out of her chair, when Sirius appears in the kitchen. James scowls, grunting, "I thought you said we'd have the place to ourselves today, Padfoot."

Sirius grins sheepishly, rubbing his eyes. He shrugs and mumbles, "Sorry, Prongs. Hate to cut the honeymoon short but Marlene's house is loud. Can hardly sleep there."

Phoebe smiles when her friend yawns and shuffles over to her sleepily. He hunches over and wraps his arms around her, grumbling, "Did you not have sex with him? he's rather grumpy for a newly wed."

"I think he was probably hoping for more privacy today," Phoebe replies quietly, gently patting Sirius' back. Sirius unwinds his arms from her, lifting her feet and sitting in the chair she was using as a rest. She grins and rests her feet on his lap, saying cheekily, "You look like you had quite a bit to drink last night."

Sirius groans and nods. James walks over and sets down two tea cups with a huff, sending a pointed glare at his friend. Phoebe hides her smile as she takes a sip, teasing, "Isn't our husband so great, Padfoot?"

Sirius snorts, playing along and cooing sarcastically, "We love you, James."

Phoebe snickers and sets down her cup, biting back more laughter when James scowls at them over his shoulder. She can spot his reluctant smile threatening to appear. He couldn't be mad at them.

Sirius pipes up, wondering curiously, "Did you hear that Lucius Malfoy is working at the Ministry?"

Phoebe frowns, quirking a brow and saying incredulously, "Isn't it pretty clear that he's both prejudiced and in the inner circle of the wizard that wants to murder everyone that he doesn't like?!"

Sirius shrugs, replying, "Apparently there's no proof of any crime so far. He's kept his hands relatively clean. The same can't be said for my dear cousin."

Phoebe stiffens slightly, a prickling of fear running up her spine at the thought. She flinches when a hand suddenly touches her back, her eyes flying up. James. He looks down at her with concern, setting a plate of eggs and toast down in front of her.

Phoebe smiles gratefully and reaches up to squeeze his arm, saying gently, "Thank you, J."

James smiles slightly and nods, bending to peck her cheek. He mumbles quietly, "You're safe here."

She blinks at him and squeezes his arm again. Sirius steals a bite of her eggs, grinning when she scoffs and smacks his arm. She mutters, "Get your own, you bloody dog."

Sirius smirks and abruptly standing. Phoebe watches in horror as he morphs into a large black dog and jumps onto the table, scarfing down her breakfast.

"Sirius!" She shrieks, trying to grab her plate away from him as he swallows down a whole piece of toast. James laughs behind her, hunching over as he cracks up.

"James!!!" Phoebe complains, grimacing when the dog leans forward and licks her cheek.

She huffs and scowls at the dog as it barks and runs up and down the table, chasing his tail and making James wheeze with laughter.

She finally smirks and rolls her eyes, thoughts of evil forgotten and replaced with exasperation as Sirius morphs back, laughing hysterically.

"You guys suck," Phoebe says pointedly, looking longingly at her plate. James chuckles and pecks her cheek, saying with mirth, "I'll make some more. Padfoot, can I offer you another plate?"

"Why, Prongs!" Sirius says happily. "That would be lovely! It was delicious."

Phoebe huffs, shaking her head at her boys and biting back laughter of her own as they both snicker.

She smiles when Sirius joins James at the stove, clapping him on the back and jumping in to help make more eggs and toast as they laugh and tease Phoebe.

She takes a sip of her tea and relaxes back into her chair. James was right, she was safe here.

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