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{{I don't know why but this is one of my favorite chapters. I have a soft spot for Regulus :) and so does Phoebe!! Enjoy!}}

Regulus was not sure why he was seeking out a certain frail frame with pearlescent blonde hair and eyes that mirrored his brothers. Perhaps they looked nearly identical to his own as well.

It didn't take long to find her, sitting between his older brother and James Potter. The boys were teasing her, sitting across from the rest of their friends. Reg certainly relented that the girl could do a lot worse when it came to her group, certainly when it came to her boyfriend.

The expectations his parents had laid out for him and Sirius now weighed heavily on his shoulders alone, but the ideals he'd been hearing all his life did not make it easy to hear the lewd and vile things that his fellow Slytherins said about her.

"What are you looking at Snape?"

Regulus breathes out slowly, having held his breath momentarily when he'd thought he'd been found out. Severus Snape looks away from where he was staring at Lily Evans, sneering at Mulciber.

"The traitors."

Regulus observes silently as Lestrange nods and says, "Disgusting, isn't it? Especially from a bloodline as long and pure as Potter's. It's a shame he's throwing it away over a mutt."

Regulus, having had at least one nice conversation with the girl felt guilty just listening in. When he looks back up, it's meant to be brief. But the Veela is looking his way, making direct eye contact with him. She blinks, looking completely indifferent to the fact that she just caught him looking at her. Regulus quickly looks away, mumbling to the Slytherins,

"I've got work to do. See you later."

None of them seem super surprised by his departure, too busy discussing Marlene McKinnon and Lily Evans muggle blood. He hurries out of the great hall and moves to walk out on the grounds when a person calling his name stops him,


He's embarrassed by how beautiful her voice sounds to him, angry even. He doesn't turn, just waits for the Veela to catch up.

"Hey," She pants, reaching out to touch his arm. He recoils quickly, pain flaring at the contact. He flushes underneath her concerned gaze and asks curtly, "What?"

Phoebe eyes him silently for a moment, formulating a response. She finally settles on one.

"We aren't that different, you and I."

Regulus chokes out a laugh. A dark twister of emotion fills his being, unable to imagine a world where they are at all similar. A snake and a lion.

"Blood standard isn't singular to pure blood wizards," Phoebe says quietly, earning his full attention now. She seems different, still thin but less sallow and frail. She seems more confident, more in tune. And envy rears it's ugly head within him at the sight. Because she gets her redemption, her freedom from the chains of expectation. She gets Sirius.

And Regulus gets nothing other than the impending war that he didn't feel he had a side on.

She reaches out again, touches his arm. He goes to tear away from her grip, flames of pain burning underneath the sleeve of his robe. She holds tight though, saying firmly, "I won't look. I don't want to look. But let me help."

She knows. She knows that he's been forever inked by the wizard that wants her and her whole lineage wiped out. And while a year ago he would've been able to muster up fake pride, all it does now is make him sick.

"Don't tell Sirius," Regulus whispers hoarsely. Phoebe hesitates before she nods, murmuring, "Fine. Just relax."

The boy stares at the ground, trying desperately to relax into her far too forgiving grip. His head shoots up in surprise when the burning and tearing sensation he'd been feeling in his arm since he'd been marked fades to a dull ache.

The older girl smiles kindly and asks, "Better?"

Regulus stares at her, shocked that the pain in his limb and the weight in his chest feels lighter. She releases his arm and Regulus mumbles curiously, "What did you do?"

"I'm not really sure. I'm new to it," She laughs, a cheeky grin making its way onto her lips. "You're a test subject."

Regulus snorts and Phoebe gets a glimpse of Sirius in his attitude when he says, "Lovely. Care to experiment further?"

"I don't think James would take kindly to that," Phoebe says playfully, earning a short laugh from the boy in front of her. She grows serious, saying quietly, "I hope you're being safe."

Regulus feels a twinge of appreciation at her concern, replying easily, "I'm being safer than you are. You shouldn't go places without Sirius or James or your other friends. It's dangerous."

"I'm aware. I know what some of your friends have to say about me."

"Not friends," Regulus says quickly, shaking his head. He didn't have friends. Phoebe's eyes narrow slightly and she replies, "Not friends. Just people that share your beliefs."

Regulus winces and looks away from her, but Phoebe quickly back tracks.

"That wasn't fair of me to say. I know...I know that you have certain expectations that you have to uphold. And my guess is the only reason you're doing it is to protect yourself now and others in the future."

Regulus eyes her uncertainly, steeling himself before saying, "You're seem different now."

Her lips quirk up slightly. She nods a little and replies. "I'm learning things for myself now. It feels good. I will always love my mother, but she's instilled values in me that eat me alive. I'm bloody tired of it, Regulus."

"You sound like Sirius," Regulus says dryly. "Except for loving your mother. I think he hates our mother."

"He's been begging me to forget my mother and her words for years. He doesn't love your mother, but he certainly loves you."

His eyes widen at her words, and for a moment he feels like he's 8 again, watching his big brother—his idol—pack up for Hogwarts. They'd made a promise that they'd stay close. Look where they were now.

"I'd like to beg you to go to Dumbledore, tell him that you've been...recruited. But I won't, not until you tell me to," Phoebe whispers, looking up at the young boy that has emotionally aged faster than he should. He studies her quietly before he nods once and says lowly,

"I'm fine. But thank you."

He hesitates before adding, "You should go. It's not safe for you to alone."

"I'm not alone, I'm with you."

"I'm not safe. I can't protect you."

Regulus is shocked by the understanding in her eyes at his cold words. He can't protect her, because he needs to stay in the Dark Lords good graces enough to protect Sirius later. She nods, smiling faintly as she backs away.


Just for a moment, he wonders if James or Sirius or any other Gryffindor will be able to protect her. He tries to not linger on it, backing away in the opposite direction and saying in farewell,


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