So this is love

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"Because I love you."

James stares at her, his jaw going slack. Mind blank and heart pounding, he gawks at her silently. He's quiet for long enough that Phoebe begins to grow nervous and quickly says, "I know it's been a rough couple of weeks, so you don't have—"

"Say it again."

Her brows furrow and she tilts her head at him.

"I love you," She repeats, almost sounding like a question as she appraises him carefully. A brilliant smile slowly creeps its way onto his face. It's so happy and surprising that it's contagious and Phoebe grows a grin of her own.

"I love you, James," She says again, laughing slightly. James bursts, shocked laughs escaping his butterfly filled chest. Phoebe shrieks as she's suddenly lifted into the air and spun until she's dizzy

"Bloody hell, put me down!!!"

"You love me!" James yells, setting her down on her now unsteady legs. A squeak of surprise falls from her lips as he brings his mouth to hers, kissing her so passionately it leaves her breathless. James groans against her lips, pulling her impossibly closer as he tries to kiss the life out of her. He finally pulls back, leaning his forehead against hers. He slowly opens his eyes, staring into the grey gaze he wants to stay in for the rest of his life.

"I love you, Phoebe Griffin."

It's her turn to be surprised now, the wind knocked out of her at his words. She'd been so focused on preparing herself to say it, that she was not exactly ready to hear them returned. James' smile is so full of adoration that she can't help but believe the words. Really believe them for the first time in her life.

"I love you," he whispers, their lips brushing as he speaks. Her breath hitches and her eyes water as he continues, "I've loved you for months. Years. And I'm going to love you for the rest of our lives."


He laughs at her question and nods, mumbling, "I've been trying to figure out a way to tell you without scaring you off."

Phoebe sniffs and scoffs at herself as he swipes a tear away from her cheek. Her voice is tight as she says, "I've never been in love before."

"Me either, Bee. Me either."

They grin at each other like crazy people, jumping apart when an exasperated voice says loudly,


James looks over her head and sees Sirius smirking in their direction. James goes to apologize, but Sirius just waves it off, saying sternly,

"If you break my sister's heart, I will fucking murder you."

"Here we go," Phoebe mutters, rolling her eyes. She reluctantly untangles herself from James and says nonchalantly,

"I've made breakfast and it's not going to waste. So sit down. Both of you."

Sirius and James share a look before they sit at the small kitchen table, watching as Phoebe places plates in front of them. James, unable to help himself, says proudly, "Thanks Bee. I love you."

His heart swells when she throws her head back with bell like notes of laughter rumbling from her chest. She's got a new twinkle in her eye as she looks at him, saying playfully, "I love you too, but I reckon we shouldn't say it after every sentence, J."

James relishes the rare use of the nickname and grins cheekily before he shrugs and forks a piece of the thin pancakes. He shoves one into his mouth, eyes widening.

"I think I love you more now, P," James mumbles, staring down at the plate. Sirius snickers and rolls his eyes, shoving some food of his own into his mouth. Phoebe smiles as the boys eat, leaning back against the counter to relax. She peeks over at James and finds him looking at her softly. She blushes under his gaze, asking nervously, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm a man in love, Griffin. It's hard to not stare. Now get your pretty little ass over here and eat some of this."

Phoebe grins and rolls her eyes but joins him nonetheless, fighting laughter at Sirius' grossed out look when she sits in his lap. James hands her his fork and watches her eat slowly. He and Sirius share a content look as the girl eats, seeming nearly back to the normalcy she was at before her mother's death.

"Arrêtez de moi regarder comme ça." She says defensively. Sirius smirks and replies easily,

"On dirait qu'on lui a donné un philtre d'amour. Vous l'avez piégé ?"

"Non ! Idiot, si j'avais besoin de le piéger, je l'aurais déjà fait. D'ailleurs, je ne me suis jamais entraîné sur lui avant."

"This isn't fair!" James cries, glaring as they speak French. He's pleased to notice that all sense of jealousy had left him when it came to her and Sirius. He had been stupid, and blinded by insecurity. But she loved him, that he was sure of now.

Sirius grins and says playfully, "Phoebe says she wants to mind trick you."

"That is not what I said! Sirius said you look like I've given you a love potion!" She says quickly, blushing under James' amused gaze. He grins goofily and says, "You're cute when you're embarrassed."

"Va te faire foutre."

Sirius stifles a laugh at her sweetly said words, explaining to James,

"That means I love you in French."

James tilts his head, eyes narrowed slightly. Phoebe hides her smile and nods, saying with faux innocence, "You should say it to your dad. I bet he'll be impressed."

"Say it again," James says slowly, watching her as she smiles and replies, "Va te faire foutre"

"Nice try, you wankers. I know that is not 'I love you'."

Phoebe and Sirius sigh, bummed that it didn't work. James chuckles and leans in, whispering only for her,

"Je t'aime, mon ange."

Phoebe's eyes widen and her cheeks flame, a little burst of electricity shooting up her spine at his perfectly pronounced words. She bites down on her lower lip and sends him a furtive glance, knowing her cheeks must be red. James smiles smugly and winks. It's his turn to shiver when she whispers back coyly,

"Ton sourire m'excite, mon amour."

"I think I've lost my appetite," Sirius grunts, standing and taking his plate to the sink. Phoebe stands and flips him off. A lightbulb goes off in her head. She smirks and says cheekily, ignoring James' goofy smile.

"I cooked so you enjoy cleaning, lads."

James let's out a squawk of surprise as she suddenly disappears with a loud pop, signifying her apparating. He and Sirius stare at the spot where she disappeared before they turn to look at the mess of a kitchen. James sighs dramatically before flinging a finger to his nose, just as Sirius does the same.

"Not it!"

"Nose goes!"

{{I love them so much. If I wrote another Hp story would you like another Marauders era (siriusxfemoc, regulusxfemoc...I could go on) or a second wizarding war fic (Harry, Draco, or the weasley twins or something like that)

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