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{{a second update because I love you all!!}}

James peers over the heads of people in Grimmauld place.

Sirius had insisted on a good old Marauder's Halloween party, refusing to give it up despite Kreacher's disapproval. James and Phoebe listened to the two have it out for over an hour, and then Wallburga's portrait got involved. She really was a terrible woman.

Sirius had won the argument, even shutting up the painting of his mother in the process. The house was full of members of the order and spooky decorations, and while he'd wanted to invite a few of their old friends like Liam Jordan, they thought better of it. Just in case.

James grins when Lily and Fabian push their way over to them, his brow furrowing in confusion at their costumes. Lily explains happily,

"Fabian is a herbologist, and I'm a Lily," She gestures down to her green attire and the white collar around her neck meant to look like petals. James barks out a laugh at Fabian's disgruntled look. He flips him off and grumbles,

"Who are you supposed to be?"

"I'm Remus," James explains, pointing at his earth toned clothes and his book. "Sirius is me and Remus is Sirius. Though Peter couldn't make it, so no one is dressed up as him."

Fabian snickers, grinning broadly when his brother saunters over and says playfully,

"Looking good, Potter."

James smirks and shakes his head, laughing when Gideon asks, "You haven't happened to see my real boyfriend have you?"

"I haven't. You haven't seen Pheebs have you?" James wonders.

Lily chuckles and says,

"She, Marlene, and Sirius are smoking in the drawing room. Last I saw Remus he was trapped talking to Benjy Fenwick."

"Oi!" Gideon says indignantly, bristling. "Fenwick better keep his bloody hands to himself."

James and Gideon both depart, looking for their respective partners. James waves as he passes Alice and Frank, even spotting Madeye talking to a woman who he believed had the last name Bones. Though he couldn't be sure. He peers into the drawing room, finding it less busy than the kitchen. It still takes him a moment to find Phoebe. When he does, his heart stops.

She looks dangerous with her now blunt hair dusting her shoulders, the pearly luster even brighter than before. He sucks in air through his teeth when he notes the charcoal black she has around her pale eyes. It's when he notices what is balanced on her head that he finally walks over to her.

"And what are those supposed to be?" James wonders, his voice far huskier than he means it to be. Phoebe looks up from her place on the sofa, her cigarette poised perfectly between her fingers as she smiles wickedly.

"Antlers," She says simply, biting back a smile when Marlene and Sirius snort in unison at her answer. He briefly glances at them, fighting a grin at Marlene's leprechaun costume and the round glasses Sirius was wearing.

"What kind of antlers?" His voice is deep. Hot. Despite his supposed costume he still looked very much like James Potter. Maybe it was the drink she'd had earlier, but she thought it was the sexiest costume yet. He smirks when she shrugs and teases,

"I believe they are moose antlers."

He smiles wryly and feels his face warm up under her sexy gaze. Her pupils were blown slightly, her lower lip between her teeth. Merlin, she was turned on. As was he.

"Ew," Marlene says interrupting their staring contest. "Sirius they're eye fucking right in front of us."

Sirius groans, reaching across the sofa to smack the arm of his girlfriend, "Fucking hell, Marls. Don't say that!!"

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