Help you

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{WARNING: this is a mature chapter. There is no shame and skipping and you will not miss any story altering details. Just have to put that PSA out there. Enjoy ;)}}

James stirs as a stream of light peaks through the curtain of his room. He jolts awake, not from the startling sun in the dark room, but the freezing skin pressed against his.

"Merlin," He groans tiredly, rolling over to face his sleeping girlfriend. Her face is smooth, no worries lines or crinkles between her brows. He grins sleepily and kisses the part of her shoulder that's bare, his shirt too large and slipping slightly on her narrow frame. He scoots closer, wrapping his arms around her chilly body. James crinkles his nose, peeking over at Sirius. He's already dressed and awake, perched carefully on his twin bed. He looks up from his motorcycle magazine and asks quietly,

"Reckon we should prank her?"

"I think she'll toast us if we do," James chuckles. "She's rather cold."

"She's always cold," Sirius points out, "Probably because she eats like one of those fucking grumpy horned thingys or whatever it is she's always gabbing about."

Phoebe sits upright abruptly.

James gasps in horror and clutches his chest while Sirius jumps, nearly falling out of bed. She squints sleepily, grumbling, "It's a crumple horned snorkack, you git. And I do not eat like one. They eat tree bark."

Sirius scowls and replies, "Do you have to sit up like a zombie and scare us?"

She groans and flops back down into James' pillows, "Why are we awake right now?"

James' heart rate returns to normal and he replies cheekily, "Your bloody freezing, that's why. You woke me up, you....what's a beast that's really cold?"

"Frost salamander," Sirius answers proudly. Phoebe sits up slightly and looks at him with a pleased smile.

"Very good, Mr. Black. 10 points to your house," She says teasingly, earning a grin from her friend. James chuckles and says, "I was thinking something scarier. Like a doxy."

"They aren't cold, they just prefer cold climates," Phoebe tutts. "5 points from James."

"Oi!" He cries, pinching her side. She smacks his chest and says quickly, "Do not try me, Potter. It's too early."

"Best get up, Pheebs. We've got shopping to do!" Sirius cries, running over and jumping on top of his friends. James laughs but Phoebe just glares, saying flatly, "Get off. I'm not wearing pants."

Sirius gags dramatically and quickly leaps off of the bed. James frowns and turns to his girlfriend. He lifts up the covers to peek under, only catching a glimpse of bare legs before she smacks her hand over the blanket and hides herself from his view.

"James!" She cries, eyes wide. He grins and shrugs, saying defensively, "I was just checking!!!"

"If you guys shagged in here last night I'm going to be pissed," Sirius warns. Phoebe rolls her eyes.

"We didn't,"

"We did."

She turns to James at the unison of their words. Sirius groans and shakes his head, Phoebe saying quickly, "I swear we didn't!"

She turns to James and scowls, pointing a finger at him warningly.

"Do that again, Potter and I will climb out of this bed naked in front of Sirius."

James' eyes widen and he replies, "Sorry, love. Just kidding."

Sirius goes to wait downstairs while Phoebe and James get dressed, flirty smiles and meaningful caresses being shared between them. They were in love...and both rather touch deprived. James' distance had been helpful emotionally for the most part, but now they were starved for each other.

The Stag and The Harpy | James PotterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora