How You Two Meet

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You are in the music studio recording a cover of Style by Taylor Swift to post on YouTube when Tom walks in the door. You get distracted and forget the lyrics and hear the lyrics are, 'white t-shirt and I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt' which is exactly what you're wearing right now and he's got a white t-shirt on. You finish recording with the help of Tom playing guitar and helping you sing better and then you have a break before recording again, so he takes you to Nandos for lunch and pays for you. You talk to one another so you can get to know each other and instantly bond. You finish recording and head to his house to meet his band members and play '21' and take shots of Vodka. You end up playing dares after and are of course, cliche'd dared to kiss Tom so you do and the sparks ignite from there on.


You are sat at the hotel on your own when Barclay approaches you. "My friends over there, dared me to talk to you." He said as he pointed at a table of 7 who were all waving before you spoke to him. "Really? Why?" You asked. "Well they saw me staring at you... b-but I don't like you or anything..." He said. "Well if you don't like me why are you here and nervous then?" You replied. "I guess I like you a little...Can I get your name and like maybe your number?" He asked nervously incase you say no. "Sure, but you have to call me just so I know this ain't a joke..." You said as you exchanged numbers. Although Barclay approaching you was a dare, you end up falling for each other and soon announce it to his fans on Twitter.


You and Reece were both in your last year of school, Year 11, and you were in some of each others lessons including Maths, Music and Food Technology. You were baking a cake for your final assessment about a season and you had decided winter would be the best because snowmen are wintery and they're fairly easy to make and everything wintery is usually white. So you made a chocolate sponge cake and put Nutella in the centre before rolling out the icing and placing it on top of the cake, cutting around the extra icing you didn't need and saving that for the decorations. You built a snowman and put it on top and then put some snowballs around the outside of the cake.Then you put some baby pink ribbon around the cake and made some snowflakes around the outer of the cake. You got your final assessment and the school day finished. Reece walked over asking to try some and was merely mesmerised from the Nutella, of course, in the centre and you exchanged numbers. A few years passed in college and his band being formed and stuff and you lost contact and he became well known. You thought you'd text him. "Hey Reece. I don't know if you remember me but I am (Y/N) and we used to hang out in school together in cookery and stuff... Don't forget me when you're big and famous Reecey :p xx." You weren't sure whether to call him Reecey or not but it's too late now as you pressed send. You awaited a response and after about 5 minutes he replied. "Hey (Y/N)! Of course I do remember you, beautiful. You made that awesome Nutella winter camp which was delicious and of course I won't forget you, ever! We should meet up soon. I'm with the boys now (my band mates) so if you wanna come over then sure! That would be great...xx" He replied. You sent, "I'd love to, see you in 5 minutes?" He replied with 'sure'. He sent you the address and you hung out with his band mates who were all lovely but not as lovely as Reece and you connected really well and never lost contact.


You were at the park with your niece, who was only 3, so you were pushing her on the swings and playing with her. She wanted to go on the sand pit but there was a little girl who was about 2 there and you didn’t know how your niece got along with other children younger than her. “Y/N, please can we go to the sand pit?” She asks fluttering her eyelashes. “Alright then, come on...” You say as you lift her up and walk to the sand pit. You place her on the edge and take notice that there was a very good looking man playing with the little girl. It took you a while to realize who he was, Casey Johnson from Stereo Kicks. “Sweetie, be careful of the little girl.” You say to your niece who nodded and started to play by herself. You noticed that the little girl started to go towards your niece and play with her sandcastle she built. “Lex, come back to Uncle Casey and leave the little girls castle alone please.” He says sweetly and Lexi slaps your niece's castle breaking it. Your niece looks at you with watery eyes before bursting into tears. “I'm really sorry for her...” He says to you as he tells Lexi off. “That’s fine, it’s just a castle.” You say smiling at him. “Y/N” Your niece starts to whine. “It’s okay... Here, we will make another one.” You say and sit in the sand with her to help her build another one while Casey starts a conversation with you. “I was wondering... did you want to get a coffee. Just me and you?” “Yeah that would be nice, when are you free?” You ask. “Are you free tonight? I’ll take you out for dinner instead.” “Yeah sure” You say smiling as he plays with your niece and Lexi at the same time. “Would you like to go get an ice cream, and I’ll give you my number?” Casey asks. “Yeah sure” You say and you both pick up the girls and walk to the ice cream parlour. After that day, you and Casey had been together for ever!!!

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