Chapter 50 - Adventures In Atlanta (Mature)

Start from the beginning

Our tongues mimicked our bodies, and our breathing was ragged. He slipped his hand under my ass and lifted me. The slight change of angle was all I needed to go over the edge once again. I called his name as my world stood still for a moment, then exploded into a million pieces. I felt his body shake and he cried out as he joined me. We collapsed on the bed together. He nuzzled my neck and said, "I am not done yet, noona, just give me a few minutes to recover. It has been too long." I snuggled in closer to him and nuzzled his neck. I purred as I started planting tiny soft kisses along his sharp jaw.

"Let me see if I can help with that," I said in a voice just above a whisper.

Later... much later, he told me how concerned they were to make the announcement about them starting their own company and leaving SSE. He knew that Monbebes were the best fandom of all, but they (we) were also the most sensitive. The company had not been the best at management and the guys had suffered because of that. I assured him that Monbebes would support their decision. It is what we had been wanting for years now.

"I am sure there will be those against it. You can't please everyone. You guys have to do what is best for you. This is best. Monbebes will get behind you."

"I know you are right, but we still dread it. We are excited at the same time. Sunny-ah, do you realize I will have an office now? I have never had an office before," he laughed at the thought.

"That means you will have a desk too. And walls with pictures on them. Pictures of you and me and our child, and our doggie." I smiled at the thought. He tightened his arm around me.

"Does this mean I am settling down? What if we decide to tour again? How many albums do we put out each year? Jagi, I don't know how to slow down. This life is all I have ever known. I think I am a little scared to change it."

I pulled back so that I could see his face and said, "Minmin, look at all that you have gone through. You have overcome it all. You keep looking for new adventures and conquering them. This is just another new adventure. You can release as many or as few albums as you feel like. You can release solo albums, group albums, sub-unit albums, no albums, covers, mixtapes... it is your choice now. There is no longer anyone pushing you except you. If you decide to tour, you just need to make sure to book a large enough room for all of us, because I will have to come to a lot more stops. I can't stand being away from you for that long." My voice grew a little shaky and I stopped talking so that I would not start crying. I thought I had handled it pretty well, but apparently not. Just the thought made me really emotional.

"I can't do that again either," he stroked my cheek with his thumb and smiled. "I won't leave you like that again. I promise. If we do tour again, you will be coming with me. I need my family."

"Won't it be awkward though? Having us along? And won't we be in the way?"

"I don't think so. I think it will be fine. But we have a while before we must worry about that. Right now, let's worry about sleep. I am exhausted."

The next day was back to business as usual. Rehearsal, a TV interview, and soundcheck all happened back-to-back before the show that evening. SeoYeon had told me some fans were planning a meetup at her café before the concert.

While the guys were at the studio filming their performance and interview, I slipped into SeoYeon's café undetected. I made my way through the rather large crowd of Monbebes and almost reached the counter before I was recognized.

"It's Sunny!" they shouted. I stopped and waved to the excited horde.

"Hi guys!" I responded. They cheered and SeoYeon rescued me. She led me to the small riser stage and sat me in a chair. She handed me a microphone and talked to them. They asked questions, they asked for my autograph, they asked about the guys, and they asked about the rumors. Minhyuk had been afraid they would, but I could not say anything yet. I laughed and said that they are not disbanding and that not every rumor is true.

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