When I get home, I decide to work on homework for a few hours. I'm bored out of my mind, but I'm tired as hell and I know I need to go to bed early tonight. I've got to get shit done. It's dinnertime by the time I finish and I prepare myself some ramen and watch some anime while I eat. My mother won't be home tonight. A while later, I hear my phone buzzing and I look to see what's going on. The screen says that Kuroo is calling. I feel my heart flutter a little.

"Hey, you," He says when I pick up.

"Hey, what's up, Kuroo?" I say.

"Nothing really, I just wanted to hear your voice. We don't have to talk if you're busy, I totally get it--wait--is that Attack on Titan I hear in the background? Actually I'll kind of be offended if you choose Eren and Levi over me."

Laughing, I pause the TV and say, "You've got my full attention, don't you worry. How'd your game go??"

"It went well! We won, but it was a close one. Karasuno is honestly...crazy...but I love playing against them. I'm sore and tired and I've got a lot of work to finish tonight.

"Congrats! I'm glad you had a good game, sorry you're worn out though..."

"I'm guessing you did all of your homework already?"

"Yeah, I grinded that shit out when I got home. I'm planning on getting to bed kinda early tonight because I'm really tired."

"Damn okay, speedy. If you could lend me some of that drive, that would be great. I'm losing motivation."

"Sorry, I already used all of it up earlier. Now I'm completely in chill mode."

"I'm so envious...Anyways, what do you think of that chem project we have to do?"

"Honestly, I'm trying not to think about it. But it's fine I guess. Well, it probably won't be fine because both my partner and I suck at chemistry."

"How do you like Yamazaki?"

"Oh, is that his name? I didn't know what it was and I was too embarrassed to ask. I thought he was nice. I would've loved to have you as my partner, but I'll survive. How's Kojima?"

I hear him chuckle on the other end. "Wow, so you just happen to know my partner's name but not your own partner's?"

I thank the heavens that he can't see my face right now because it's honestly rough that he picked up on that.

"Well...I mean...she's a girl, I'm a girl...it's just natural that I know her name. Like, girl-code stuff, you know?"

"Hmm, yeah, I can't really see you being friends with Kojima, but whatever you say."

"Are you two friends or something?"

"Well, no, I wouldn't call us that. I used to know her pretty well though."

I think I know exactly what that means. He knew her in his partying days...his...sleeping around days. Did he sleep with her? Were they just friends? Questions float around my brain, nagging me. I try to push away that negativity...It's his life and it was in the past. I can't judge him for that. It was his body, his choice. 

"You still there, Y/n?"

"Yeah, sorry! Well that's good I guess that you know each other. I'm just kind of dreading this whole project."

"Let me know if you need help, I'd love to help out. Speaking of, are you still good to come over tomorrow night for a study session and dinner with my family?"

My stomach does a summersault. My dumb ass completely forgot. "Oh yeah! I'm still good to come over!"

"Great, I can't wait. I'm so excited for you to meet my family. It'll be a good time I promise."

"I'm nervous...but I'll take your word for it."

"Aw, babe, don't be nervous! I'm telling you, they'll just adore you!"

He called me babe. HE CALLED ME BABE. I feel giddy. 

"I hope so, I really do..."

"They will! Ah shit, I just looked at the time and it's way later than I thought...Hey, I'm sorry, but I've really got to go and finish my homework. Sorry we weren't able to talk for too long, I'm just happy I got to hear your voice."

"Yeah, it's no problem, Kuroo! I liked talking to you. And yeah, I should probably get to bed soon anyways."

"Alright well...goodnight, Y/n, sleep tight. I'll see you tomorrow."

"'Night Kuroo, see you tomorrow!"

I trudge to my room after we end the call, get ready for bed, and absolutely crash on my bed.

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