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It's been 2 months since Timmy left.

It's been rough, but I've persevered through it.

I've missed him so much, but his letters really do cheer me up. In fact, I might have one today - it's been a few weeks and the mail arrives right around this time.

I slip on my shoes and walk downstairs to check the mail, my heart racing all the way down. It takes everything in me not to run downstairs. Sure enough, my heart leaps when I see a small, yellowish envelope. I pull it out, along with a few random magazines, and eagerly skip back upstairs to open it.

I toss the boring mail on the counter and grip his letter in both hands, giddily bouncing on my toes in the kitchen. He has drawn little flowers all over the envelope's border, and his thin scrawl covers the front. The flowers are so cute - they're small doodles of daisies. I can just picture him hunched over, pen in hand, taking his time to carefully draw each of them. I make sure not to rip the envelope when I open it, pulling out his letter. His neat, beautiful scrawl covers the entire page.

Y/N -

How have you been? I miss you so, so much. I'm currently sitting in the windowsill of the place I'm staying at. It overlooks this huge, light green field. There's long grass, wildflowers, and sunshine pouring everywhere here. I'm sure you're getting average, dreary April weather in NYC.

I miss you so much.

Let me write that again.

I miss you so much. The first few weeks were hard, but we've been apart for that long before. This is different. I can't believe I've got so much longer until I get home. I miss everything about you. I miss your smile, and your laugh, and the cute way you twist your fingers together when you get excited about something. I miss your kisses, and your hugs, and the way you always smell like lavender. And I also miss your spicy pasta, but that's less poetic.

We've been having a good time here. There are lots of nature things to do - good hikes and beautiful places. I'm loving it here, but I'm honestly ready to be done. I can't believe how much longer I'm going to be here.

I hope work is going alright for you. Try not to get too stressed out. Remember that you only have one life, and you shouldn't waste it on worrying about such infinitesimal issues.

I love you. I really want to see you again. I love getting your letters. They get me through not being able to see you.

When I get home, I'm going to hug you and never let go. You'll literally have to walk around with me latched around you for the rest of your life.

I miss you. I love you.


Tears well up in my eyes as I read his words, and a few slip down my cheeks and onto his paper.

What I would give to hear his sweet voice at this very moment.

Of course, he told me nothing about him. Or the movie he's filming. Or the things he's learning, or the people he's getting to know. He mentioned the hikes, but that's literally it. He's so naturally selfless. Always concerned about others, always wanting to learn about others.

Reading what he has to say only reminds me of how much I miss him, but this time in a good way. It feels like this letter is a piece of him. I can picture him sitting in that windowsill, his knees curled close as a makeshift writing surface, furrowing his brows in concentration. It puts a smile on my face.

He is undoubtedly the sweetest person I know.

I carefully tuck the letter back into the envelope and walk to our bedroom. I go to the closet and pull a box from the top shelf, adding the letter into that. I often take this box out and re-read the ones he's sent me so far.

For now, I go back downstairs, pull out my stationary, and perch myself at the kitchen counter, writing him a letter back.

hey :) thank you to everyone who responded in the comments of my last post. I can't tell you how much strength you all give me. I am doing alright at the current moment. I'm finding the little things that make me happy.

I have a very serious question: do you feel that my Trigger Warnings are informative enough? I always try my hardest to be informative without being triggering in a Trigger Warning. if there is anything I could do to improve those, please let me know. everything I've written comes from personal experience, and I can write about those things but sometimes reading them is hard, so I really want to make sure that I'm doing okay with that.

I love you all more than you know :) <3

Timothèe Chalamet ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon