The day before the Nightmare

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Some weeks have passed after I last saw Viridian. I knew that he regenerating slowly I could feel it and I was sure that we were lucky that he survived and that Wrath is now taking care of him.

In these couple of weeks, I have lost all contact with the LOV which was a bad sign. They were planning something big and I didn't know what it was until one day the alarm went off while me and the rest of the class were at the cantina.

The pro-heroes in the room guarding us immediately reacted and closed the door shut. Later that day they told us that, the media knew about All Might and his teaching job here.

Thinking about it, there was something fishy.

How can they see my fox and even nearly killing it while people from the media just managed to surpass all the new security measurements?

I knew very well that my fox can't be killed, he was like a phoenix. When his flames die he will be reborn again. No one ever said that it still isn't painful for me. Watching him die pains me but that isn't all. I feel its pain and I also feel like I was dying.

Not wanting to let the whole thing slight, I went up to my homeroom caterpillar.

I was still wondering if he ever would evolve into something more.

Maybe a Butterfly?

But I would say he is more like the Mothman hating the sunlight and loving the nighttime.

A Moth it probably is!

Me: Aizawa-sensei?

Aizawa: Yes?

Me: How did the media enter?

Aizawa: We still don't know that kid.

Me: Can I maybe help?

Aizawa: You don't need to worry about anything, Nezu is currently taking care of it. That Rat Satan knows exactly how to get information.


I always thought that he is the Rat God of UA?!

Me: If you say so.

Aizawa: Now go back and let me sleep.

Me: Ay Ay Sir!

I went back to my fathers side.

Me: Dad?

I hated it but I need to call him that in order for him to trust me more. I needed to face a relationship between us. The truth was I just wanted to kill him. There was nothing that could have stopped me. However I still hated killing people. He was not one of my targets and I wouldn't kill more than already necessary. I still had this pipedream of a hero.

Enji: Yes, Izu?

Me: Do you know what happened?

Enji: I heard the other say that someone of the media somehow broken the front door.

Me: Do you know how?

Enji: No.

Then Hawks came to us. He was my other protector since my fox was always following me and they miss interpreted it as me being the next target.

Hawks: Man, that door ended up pulverized.


An integration quirk!


Why was he here?!

Was it a message for me?

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