Luis wedged in between us with a growl and pushed Dominic away. His sharp barks sounded angry and threatening.

"Stop it, Luis."  Why was he stepping into this? It wasn't like I hadn't thrown myself at Luis over the years with no response on his part. He'd made it clear I was nothing but a friend to him. 

Dom made a face like an angry baby at Luis, and I wanted to smile. Despite his reluctance, he did release me. Then he pointed at me.  "I'll be there in an hour and let you know what condition my dad is in." His gray eyes darkened to the color of flint with intense emotions that I couldn't name. Finally, I realized he was staring into my undisguised eyes.

Oh, nuts! "Fine. Once I get back from Aisa's, I'll be there."

"Matt, are those new contacts?" Dominic's expression had turned mystified.

"No." What was the use in trying to lie? "There's a lot about me that will shock you. I think we'll need at least three peach pies."

He nodded slowly and I was surprised that he looked more delighted than frightened, "I think you're right. I'll see you there."

After Dom returned to the restaurant, I wandered in shock down the street, forgetting my bike was still against the wall at Franco's. When we passed another alleyway, Luis grabbed a hunk of my shirt with his teeth and pulled me into it. Then, he turned into a man. His dark brown eyes were glittering with fire, and his upturned lips that always suggested that he was planning mischief were tight with aggravation.

I'd been careless. He didn't have to say more, but I knew Luis would anyway. Luis had a gift for making me feel like a naughty five-year-old.

"God, Matt, look at this mess. Should I call the feds now so they can ship you to the closest lab? How do you think this is going to play out?"

"Stop, Luis. I know." I knew I sounded sulky, but I hated when he nagged me. When he thought I was endangering myself, he'd get bossy.

"First, you lost your contacts, then you went to Franco's, even though you knew Mike was setting you up. Now, you're going to tell Dominic you're fae!" He flung his arms out and clutched his hands like he wanted to strangle me.

"Yes." I folded my arms as I stood my ground on the last point, ignoring the other valid points that proved how stupid I'd been that day.

Luis knew that I was going to be stubborn and made a tortured squawk as he shook a fist at me. I looked at him blandly. Luis had never hit me, and I knew he wouldn't now.

"I don't trust him, Matt.  He could ruin the work we've done, I've done, to keep you safe! Why are you always so willing to risk everything?" His sharp jaw clenched as he glared at me.

An angry Luis had an appeal wattage that increased by a thousand. And the fact he knew that I was a girl, didn't help. If it weren't for the knowledge that he thought of me only as his younger sibling, I might have given in to my urge to kiss him into silence. It always worked in the movies. But I kept my crush a secret and returned his anger with more of my own.

"He defended me, Luis." I thought of that barrel being pointed at me again and grimaced. Dominic deserved to know - everything. The fact I was a girl, and a fae. Everything. And didn't I deserve to explore a relationship with someone that liked me back?

No. I didn't. If Dom liked men,  then in two weeks I wouldn't be one. I had to let him know today. And, I didn't have the right to explore anything until he knew. While I secretly agreed that I was being reckless,  I pretended to make Luis see reason. "I need to tell him. He cares about me."

 Luis leaned against the dirty, graffiti-covered wall and folded his arms. "So what? You don't know him as well as you know me! Who's been there this whole time taking care of you? Not Dom, me!"

The Story of the Trees - Sword, Ring, and Crown Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now