Chapter Nine

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"I used to think that Joseph was a friend." I took a breath and held it.  Admitting what happened felt too much like confessing a sin. I didn't want to confess to someone who had also hurt me. "No, never mind."

Erick searched my face for the secrets I kept locked within me but finally nodded. "I understand."

My lips twisted into a bitter smirk. "Do you?"

His eyes held pain within them. "I am not worthy of your confidence?"

"No, no, you're not." My voice was the clipped sound of icicles breaking. "I'm not even sure why you're trying. You betrayed me and now kidnapped me. I think I have a right to be salty."

He clenched handfuls of his silvery hair in frustration. "I wish there was a way for you to understand that I never meant to betray you. I had no choice but to protect the one who held my geas."

"Wow, that sounds almost like someone saying, 'The devil made me do it.'" I scoffed, then waved my hand in a shooing motion at him. "Skip it, Traitor."

The car fell into silence as we turned from each other. I traced rude words about him on the foggy window as I started to compare him and Joseph. I had been a lousy judge of character, being far too impressed by pretty. 

Joseph could have ruled a small country with his level of genius. He'd amassed an enormous number of followers in San Francisco with his cunning and his charm.  I'd been sucked right in by his blazing charisma, and blond, pin-up boy looks. 

He hung out with Euro-chic women that hung off his arms like glittering jewels, and suave looking men that wore designer everything. His attention for me disarmed me, since I clearly didn't fit into his crowd, and I was too young to figure out how dangerous that was.  In his family of runaways, he had absolute power, and I was another conquest to him. I hadn't realized until too late. 

I shuddered at the memories, which made Erick return his focus to me.

He tilted his head with curiosity and asked, "Are you okay?"


He grimaced at me, then poured himself a drink.

My thoughts returned to Joseph. He appeared to be a benevolent savior who found the three of us huddling in a storm tunnel one night. Although he offered to let us hang out with him and often brought us food, Luis refused. That turned into our first argument, but thinking back on it, I was glad he had. It would have made it easier for Joseph to get access to me had we joined his camp. After that, Joseph tried to find me alone to give me food, sweets, and insignificant items. He'd shown me that he was capable of magic, making the things appear in thin air. I was entranced. I blurted to him my secret that I was under a spell. To see his delight and interest thrilled me. Someone so cool found me fascinating.

He told me he could see the spell on me, that he had the key to free me. The day I told him my secret, Joseph started being affectionate, but I wasn't ready for such things, and, after an awkward moment where he said he'd "teach" me how to kiss,  I avoided his attempts to touch me. Since I didn't respond how he liked, Joseph brought me more significant gifts, thinking more considerable gifts might sway me, and those were too hard for me to hide from Luis. I'm not even sure why I kept all the presents. Maybe I was afraid that he'd tell Luis that I let loose my secret. Luis and I had another fight, and Adrian sided with Luis. I had become frightened by the new, frustrated Joseph,  so I agreed never to see him. Luis gave Joseph's gifts back. It... upset him.

As Erick watched the tortured expressions flit across my face, his blue eyes grew frosty. "What did Joseph do? Please tell me."

I nearly shredded the hem of my favorite jersey as rage boiled within me. I looked down and smoothed it out, calming myself. "I said it's none of your business."

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