Chapter Twenty-Three

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As we approached my friends waiting at the buffet tables, Dominic handed me a slice of strawberry shortcake from Schubert's. I knew that it was from that bakery because of their round candy logo on the piece. Once I could tear my eyes from the perfection flown to another dimension from my favorite bakery, my eyes scanned the crowd for Luke to thank him. He hadn't moved away from his discussion with Valenia, but I caught his eye. How had he managed to get it to me?  How had he even known? I lifted the plate of strawberry shortcake high at him, earning me a faint smile before Valenia steered him back to their conversation.

I felt annoyed enough by her interference to pile my plate high with opera cake, chocolate mousse cake, and Swedish princess cake.

"Yo, Matt. You're gonna get sick eating all that," Adrian said. 

"Shubert's has magical flour to make all the calories go away. Plus, their glorious goodness keeps sickness at bay. I'm surprised you don't know that."

"You should at least get some actual food. I'm not even sure how you're still standing after what happened on the dance floor." He put an arm around me, and I found I liked that. I let him keep it there while I got half my plate cleaned. It was a valiant effort, but my stomach issued my defeat. With a groan, I lowered my fork.

"Told you," Adrian crowed as he patted my head.

"Shut up." I looked sorrowfully at the sweets still left on my plate.

"What was that anyway, out there..." he asked, his tone growing more serious.

"I don't know... but the sad thing is I want it to happen again. I'm nuts right?" I glanced at him for confirmation.

He shrugged. "If it was anything like what you did to me, then... no."

I blinked, but then Dominic approached us and pried the plate from my hands. After he set it aside on a table, I hissed at him just like a ring-obsessed golem would and cried out, "No! My preciouses! You dare!"

"How about you dance with me instead," Dominic said with a chuckle as he took my hand.

I was going to agree, but Valenia broke into our conversation. "There you are. I need to introduce you to the other Elect and their courts. After that shocking display, I hope the dignitaries here won't ostracize you." She was looking at me with a pinched face. 

I held Dominic's hand as I turned to her and answered in a frosty voice. "I'm sorry, but I don't really care.  I was just about to dance with Dominic, Your Holiness."

She glanced at him as though he was beneath her, which just made me angrier. Nobody looked at Dominic like that.  "It would be best to meet your competitors," she insisted.

"Why?" I folded my arms over my chest as I scowled, honorifics forgotten

 "Your lack of knowledge of our ways harms you as much as your court. Not only do you not have all seven consorts, but..." Her gaze rested on Dominic and Adrian, and her smile was dismissive. "Some are human. Nevertheless, the prophecies demand you take part. The situation at hand is indeed dire enough to bend our traditions slightly."

I shrugged. "I'm here participating against my will. Not sure what else you want from me."

 "You know Emerlee has complained to me about her claim on Luke."

My brows raised. Oh. Was this what Valenia came by for? She wanted me to release Luke so he could marry the anaconda? "I think that's up to Luke, isn't it?"

"No, but I don't expect you to understand." She sneered with annoyance.  "Men do not have the forethought to make their own decisions; that is why we make them for them." She gave me a condescending smile, as though I'd agree now that she'd given me her explanation.

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