Chapter Twenty-Six

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Before my court could react, Regina had lunged at me. Her fist connected with my mouth, and I could taste blood.

Luis put his arm around her neck into a chokehold while Ciaran checked the damage to my mouth. She pulled at Luis's arm and shouted. "This is all your fault! Yours!"

Regina's court pulled out their swords and one of them pushed Luis, breaking his contact with Regina. He growled and went to attack but I screamed for him to stop. The last thing I needed was for us to start cutting each other up and possibly getting Adrian and Dom hurt.  Then I yelled, "My fault? Mine?? Are you kidding me?" I touched my fingers to my mouth, and they came away bloody. 

"Had your mother's command been granted, our world would remain covered by ice," Luke growled at Regina as he took my arm and put himself in front of me. 

"Aisa doesn't want me here!" I shouted as I smacked at his hand to let me go. "Your precious goddess doesn't care! You heard her! She doesn't want me to be in the trials!"

"Nonsense. I was helping you. It's you that forgot the gift." Aisa/Duir looked at me like I was a baby having a fit.

"Yeah, and I bet you would have turned it down." I finally shook Luke's hand off. Ciaran touched my lips with his fingertips, and I felt the painful sting of the cut on them disappear. It was nice to have someone that could heal in the group. 

"Once again, nonsense. I offered to take whatever was in your pockets." Duir gave me a smug smile.

I glared at her, "Knowing I'd refuse."

Aisa sighed over the commotion and addressed the people. "Enough. Although purity is everything in our world, I have been magnanimous. Even if Madeline fails, which she will, her magic will still be a key to save us — I have no doubt." she beamed at them like Glinda the Good Witch. "I realize I must never forget Aleria. I am doing my best to bring back our beautiful land."

I would have thought with everything said and all the drama, it would have yanked these people right up and out of her presence. But, although they did rise, it was only to applaud and sing her praises. The Kool-Aid pitcher was deep.

She sucked in the applause and seemed to grow brighter and more lovely. "Stop this, Regina. You can use your pain to win in the games. Your mother still lives under the stone, after all. I will do my best to see that I return her to you as she was."

"Thank you, Eternal Mother," she sobbed. She returned to her place, but not before stabbing me with one more hateful look.

The hungry light in Aisa's eyes seemed to suggest that she'd be doing much more than trying to fix Athalia. But I couldn't address that right now. I'd have to talk to Ciaran about it later.

"So, if you're so sure that I'm going to fail, then why am I taking the trials, Duir?"

"Priana foresaw you needed to take part," said a melodious voice.

I looked up as four figures came on the stage - three men and one woman. The oldest man had features similar to my mother and aunt, so that must have been Grandpa. Parson stood next to grandpa, and next to him, I saw a man with ram horns on his head and a sheep's lower body. The woman was an albino, with pinkish-blue eyes and angelic wings. She must have been the Seraph that Luke mentioned.

"I accept this child's place in them as a part of the Winter Court," Priana said.

"As part of the Spring Court, I agree with Priana." The sheep-man said. It was his voice I had heard.

"I as part of the Autumn Court and the underworld," Parson said with a nod towards me. I wouldn't say I liked the way his gaze devoured me, and I stepped closer to Ciaran.

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