¬¦^}^¦¬ <Pt. 2>

Start from the beginning

"Hehe, I know that. That's why I'm gonna be sharing my identity to you. With a game of chess of course." Izuku says as both of them slowed down their pace of walking as the chimera turned around to look at him with his usual expression of face.

"On that board, the plan goes as follows. He isn't dead, yet. They wouldn't know what's going on; not only I'm in this, but some of my teachers are in this, too." The teen says as he tilted his head forwards as his face was combined with the shadows and light with as his eyes having a glintful aura and one of them also having a clouded one.

Nezu chuckled.

"I knew this would happen, but I guess my former student was right."

"It's always the one who makes the first move win."

(...a quote. By mori. Not by me. :) ...)


"I'm guessing that you, Dazai and Ranpo are apart of this, too?" Fukuzawa sternly asks the doctor infront of him.

Mori could only smile at the elder with closed his eyes as he opened them again that showed the dark void of violet in his eyes that lost its sparkles while grinning sadistacally.

"It's always the one who makes the first move win."

Fukuzawa could only sigh in a stressed manner as he looked at the still dazed man. But he couldn't help but be proud. His nephew is just.......

So vigilante! Because he was 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖫𝖺𝗐𝗅𝖾𝗌𝗌 𝖧𝖾𝗋𝗈: 𝘋𝘺𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘮𝘦𝘴.

A/n: read my last mess. Later after dis chap. Ends.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A certain green haired boy and a mouse-cat-bear like principal walked down their way on broad daylight of patrolling around the shop and city centre streets for about 20 minutes now before they go to their final destination.

For such things like privacy, Izuku didn't wear his Shiketsu uniform hat but his it was enough to see there was a golden-like Shiketsu badge printed on on the lower left edges of his costume.

"Psst! Look! It's the principal of U.A.!"

"Huh? Who's that kid he's with? Maybe an intern?"

"Dude, never saw him during the sports festival, though."

"Are they even close? They are quiet. The kid must be a stalker or somethin'"

"Who in the world would be stalking that mouse-cat-bear principal in broad daylight?! That pipsqueak's a smartass, ya donkey!"

"I can't believe I'm in a friend group full of gossipers here and there."

Izuku and Nezu couldn't do anything but to just walk forwards to their destination with Nezu being in the lead and the boy following behind.

As they continued their silent walk, Plan A is moving along smoothly.

× Tartarus ×
(I'm gonna be making the prison here look a little diff. from where afo alike was in)

Dazai looked at the man infront of him who looked as just as bored as him as their prison palace was just an enormously huge glass box. That hangs around in ceilings.

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