Book Submissions Announcement

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Hello lovely readers,

This is a friendly reminder that book review submissions are still on hold. While we love seeing people interested in having us review their work (it's great), we are but regular human beings and cannot dedicate all of our time to them. Real life for many of us is busy, getting busier, and also still just trying to cope with a continuing global pandemic. We appreciated your patience, but we implore you please do not submit new books for review right now. At some point in the not so distant future submissions will open again, but it is not this day.

All of this to say, submissions are still closed. And because we are still catching up with other reviews, any submissions that have been added since we placed things on hold will not be receiving reviews. If you would like to submit your story again, please wait until things are back up and running. It may not be ideal, but it is for our sanity. And the (slight) OCD that some of us (me) may have.

If anyone has a concern about this, send your messages my way to my private account.

Kay, thanks for coming to my Tedtalk. Peace out,


PICK ME! {Book Reviews}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora