I forced myself to look back at my friends, though I noticed Hazel glancing between Regulus and I. That made any urge for laughter disappear. She was incredibly observant. 

I made sure not to look at Regulus for the rest of class. 


The entire school was obsessed with this stupid dance. I didn't understand why, but for some absurd reason it was all anyone wanted to talk about. I even had to tell my teammates at practice to save the dance talk for after quidditch. It was exhausting. 

Every conversation I overheard in the halls was about who was wearing what and who was going with who. 

But to make matters ten times worse, in charms class Archer fucking Bones decided he wanted to ask out my girlfriend. 

Well, not "technically" girlfriend, but you know what I mean. 

But seeing that arrogant little shit smile and flirt with Thalia made me want to punch him into oblivion. I didn't even know why. I had never felt such possession or...envy over a girl. My girl.

I hated that I was jealous. But I hated even more that I couldn't do anything about it. 

But what was even worse- maybe, I dunno, twenty times worse- was that Thalia had rejected him. Because Thalia rejecting Archer Bones (AKA one of the most popular people in the school) seemed to invite a challenge for other the other males at Hogwarts. "Who could win her over?" Seemed to be the question circulating. 

Now every so often I would overhear seventh-year boys ask their friends about her. If she was dating anyone. Who she was last with. If she was a good shag. Etc. Etc. Etc. 

I had to physically leave our potions class before I broke Kevin O'Brien's jaw. 

Of course it was just talk, but it made me sick.

So when midnight finally rolled around, I was impatient to say the least. Thalia's feet barely made it off of the stairs before I had walked across the room and crashed my lips onto hers, pushing us both against the nearest wall. 

She laughed in surprise- the sweetest sound I had ever heard- and kissed me back with just as much passion. I needed to taste her. Feel her. 

No matter how hard I tried to forget about Archer, Kevin, and the rest of them, I couldn't. So instead, I kissed her so intensely so she would forget about them.  

I devoured her as we stood entangled, bodied pressed against each other for minutes. Eventually, Thalia slowly pulled away, her eyes filled with amusement. 

"That didn't have anything to do with Archer asking me to the dance, right?" She smirked sarcastically.

"No," I glowered. 

"Really?" She smirked. "Because if I remember correctly you were just the slightest bit jealous in class today."

"Was not."

"Was too," she smiled smugly. 

I didn't make any effort to argue and merely kissed her again. 

When we pulled away, she leaned in and whispered in my ear, her hot breath sending chills down my spine: "Maybe I should make you jealous more often."

She smirked and playfully pushed me off of her. 

"Well I certainly don't like it," I scowled. 

"Oh I think you do," she smirked. 

"Believe me I don't," I raised my eyebrows. 

"You see," she whispered smugly, "Another part of you begs to differ." She sent me a sweet smile before pushing past and walking towards our couch.

Leaving me leaning against the wall with pants that had become uncomfortably tight. 

I rolled my eyes and bit back a smile before joining her. 

"Seriously though, I like possessive Regulus," Thalia smirked as she opened her book. 

"Well I would rather you like 'possessive Regulus' more than Archer Bones," I muttered and she laughed, "But I also understand if you want a date to the dance." 

I grimaced as the words came out. But if she wanted to go with someone, I would just have to deal with it.

"I'm perfectly fine going by myself," Thalia frowned. 

I felt a twinge of guilt at her words.

"Are you sure?" I asked, "Because if you want-"

"I don't want to go with anyone," Thalia said. "Not if they aren't you."

"Thalia-" I started. 

"And we can't go together," she acknowledged knowingly before I could say it, "So therefore I don't want to go with anyone."

I nodded and she smiled. 

"Do you want to read with me?" She held up her book. 

"What fucking muggle book is it this time?" I groaned and she shot me a fake look of offense. Even so, I leaned back and pulled her onto my lap as she opened the hardcover book. 

The two of us read nestled together until the sky turned pink.

A/N: Y'all I'm so nervous I have a very important meeting today! 

Also drop links to dresses for Thalia to wear here....

Assumption // Regulus BlackOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora