Part 5

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Hello guys thank you so much for all the lovely comments I also do take requests for parts of the story so if you have some ideas pleas do tell

Y/ns POV :
I woke up still with aris it was are first day at the right arm I wake up abs seconds later someone walks in a squeals I cover my ears and Aris obviously woke up to the noise he looked up at the sound and then sloped his head back down and huffed I looked up to see a very smiley Sonya she smiled at me and I got up she looked at me then aris she did this 2s I finally caught on to what she was doing and went "ohhhh " she smiled even bright and giggled aris looked at her and wined " please not right now " I looked very confused I didn't really know what to do then Sonya started singing " Aris got a girlfriend " she dose this like 12x I'm just laughing aris looked totally embarrassed by what was happing I just laughter as she then said "ok now seriesly I need to know what you are good at so what you can be doing here " I speak up first " well I was sort of a runner I was given the job just never got into the maze other than when I left it " she responded with " how about we teach ya how to shoot a gun " I smile brightly " I would love that" and with that she left I got up and gathers my cloths for the day

Y/ns POV : I woke up still with aris it was are first day at the right arm I wake up abs seconds later someone walks in a squeals I cover my ears and Aris obviously woke up to the noise he looked up at the sound and then sloped his head back down ...

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I then remember there is abs aris in my bed I look at him and he got the message he got out of bed and walked out of the tent I smile and get changed

Aris pov:
Once Sonya left y/n got up and went to a small back pack abs lifted some cloths out for a second I thought  she as gonna change with me hear she unzipped her jacket then turn around  and looked at me I got up knowing to leave she nodded as I walk out of the tent I didn't realise the amazing view I walked to the main camp abs was talking to a few of the guys when y/n walked out of her tent an up to Sonya Harriet and Teresa then a couple of the guys from the maze came over and we're talking I got up and walked over next to Minho and I think his name was newt I stood there as the talked they decided to go up on the mountain but Teresa took a different way I brushed it off as we walked up the mountain I noticed Sonya , y/n and Harriet was no longer here I look down and say y/n with a pistol aiming  at a tin I smiled and walked up to where the guys resided to sit we talked practically all day it got pretty late  then y/n walked up and sat with us fry pan spoke up saying "I miss the glade" y:n smiles and looks down Minho piped in and said " and alby" then newts head cocked up " and Clint and Jeff " had that many people died from there maze Thomas then spoke " and Chuck " y/n finally spoke " and jake " newt but a hand on her lower back I looked at him so he moved it up to her back and them said " he would be proud of you " she nods in response I walked over and sat next to her they all in went into there own conversations u looked at y/n and she smiled at me I asked " was jake the guy we saw hung in wickeds tower ? " she nods " did you lose anyone else ?" 
" just one of my builder friends his name was gally he taught me hand to hand combat he said I was pretty good for a small person " she sniggered she then looked at Thomas who had asked where Teresa was newt pointed up th mountain  and with that Thomas left every one continued talking for about 10 mins until Thomas came running down shouting " RUN RUN NOW " we all looked confused but we all got up and ran y/n was fast so I kept up with her pace we all ran down to the main camp as planes flew over dropping some sort of bombs vince is handing out guns me and y/n stayed side by side fighting of the Gards  till Sonya called her over she went to run when I grapes her wrist she winced in pain so I let go and grabed her waist and kissed her " please don't do y/n " she responded smugly with a " not planing on it " with that she took off 
                * 10 mins later *
I see y/n fighting a wicked gard he kicked her gun away and slammed her hard against the mountain I shot him 2s y/n dropped to the floor so I helped her up she picked up her gun and hugged me then I felt her body drop a bit and she let go I looked down she was unconscious with a taser in her back the gard shot at me but I hit him first I picked y/ns limb body up and got her over to Minho and carried on fighting a few moments later she was on her feet Again there really is no stopping this girl is there Minho was shot she went in and shot the 3 soildgers ans tried to help him up at this point it her Thomas ,newt,Minho still standing as she got back up she was infront of us her newt and Thomas all got closer back to back y/n run at a gard who grabed her turned her around slammed her onto her knees  picked up her arm and did something to it I don't know what but she let out a painful scream I'm guessing he broke it she was then tazed in the neck she was out cold I screamed "LEAVE HER ALONE !!" I got a punch to the face for that Thomas pulled out a bomb and every thing went so fast y/n woke up with a huge inhale of air and smashed the gard in the face she went and stood next to Thomas she nodded at him and said " I'm ready " following newts earlier actions the fry walked over to them as well and agreed " were ready " y/n saw Teresa and her jaw dropped " y/n ....... I'm sorry I wanted to do the right thing " y/n looked at her finally spoke "You don't get it me and Thomas have the same blood line just some samples isn't enough they will drain us till we are dead just to find the cure and you wanna be  apart of that ?" I feel tears in my eyes is it true they would kill her for the cure I cannot live without her

Aris Jones : "I love you "Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz