The begining

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Darkness her eyes bolt open as she shoots up heavily breathing she cannot see anything a million thoughts going threw her mind where am I ? What's going on ? Who am I ? Where am I going ? How did I get here ? She made the decision to work on who she is .name my name WHAT IS MY NAME .she practically screams in her mind "come on y/n think " she stops for a second and then mumbles "y/n..." good I know my name . Just as she was about to carry on thinking about questions there was a loud alarm what was that ? then she sees light above her she shields her face from the sun mumbles emerged as she stood in what she only just realised was some sort of cage all she could here was "a girl ?" "Wow" she looks around to see over 50 boys all staring at her until a cute blond boy jumps down and offers a hand she takes it cautiously as she gets pulled out of the box she looks to see all Eyes on her she did not like this she decided to get up she pushed threw all the boys and sprints " WE GOT A RUNNER !!!"  As he said this she stops to look at her surroundings she saw an opening in the 4 huge walls she starts to sprint over until some one shouts "MINHO CATCH HER " "her? " the olive skinned boy reply's with he saw you bolting towards the doors and he grabs you and slams you on the ground then blackness takes over

Y/ns POV:
I wake up with a huge head ache I here people so I don't move a muscle "well when will she wake up ?" A strong British accent asked then a deeper voice reply's with "I got my job same way as you man " another boy chips in " newt told you to stop her Minho not nearly kill her "
A low voice responded e few seconds after " well Thomas you didn't help very much and newt said to stop her so I tried " I then decide to 'wake up' I lift my head then rub it the fakest I ever could and sit up I lol around to see 4 boys until the same blond who helped me out the cage pipes up " Jeff can you leave for a moment " the boy who must be called Jeff nods and leaves then the bold boys speaks up almost immediately " hello I'm newt this is Minho * he points to another boy * and this is Thomas * points to another boy* now can you remember your name love ? " I look over at him a nod I then mumble "y/n ....."  he nods " well y/n let me show you the glade " he offers his hand and I take it .
                     * few hours later *
" and that's the glade " newt said with a big smile in the past 3 hours I have met at least 30 boys been shown 20 buildings all for different things and just want to sit down newt also promised that he would tell me what a runner is I pipe up after a long silence " soooooo what's a runner ?" He just chuckles " well greenie they run the maze almost everyday making it at trying to find a way out " " cool" he smirks @ I'm probably not gonna want the answer to this but ...... what job do u want ?"
I smile " a runner " newts face dropped " I thort you might say that " he walks me over to Minho who is telling me all about the maze then some one who I was told went by the name gally came over to me "
Hey greenie wanna see what your made of ?" " what "
Is all I say back Minho gives him a look as if to say ' DONT'

Minho's POV:
Me and Tommy thort we found a way out that's why we are celebrating I'm sat with the new greenie she came up yesterday then gally came over and asked y:n if she wanted to fight I knew that she was gonna lose she is a year younger than most of us she is only 15 from the looks of her so I'm like her big brother I shoot gally a look he just shugs and y/n goss off to the circle with him they were fighting she had been thrown out 2s " last round greenie "gally said smirking I wanted to punch him but then y/n grew a smug look she was small so she wasn't very good gally picked up on the smug look and said " your to small to beat me so whip the smirk " her smirk only grew then she mumbled  "Some one close to me told me to use whatever ru have to your advantage I'm small so I'll use that " I then shouted " HEY I TOLD YOU THAT " she burst out laughing gally took this as his time he ran at her but she slides under his legs he looked shook when he turns around y/n punched him downstairs where the sun don't shine if you know what I mean ( when you meet aris I might do some smut mabey??) you then push him out the circle when he was on the floor in pain EVERY ONE CHEERED FOR HER  then newt declared "ok guys of to bed big day tommorw leaving the glade any last minute packing get done now !!!!"
                     * the next morning *
Y:ns POV:
I'm packing the small amount of stuff I have I have only been here about a week but these people feel like my family I trust all of them  almost other than Ben I can never forgive hime I mostly trust  Thomas , newt and Minho the most he was always there when needed like a big brother I'm only a year younger or at least that's what they say I think I'm just short I didn't even realise I was day dreaming until I was snapped back to realty of Minho snapping his fingers infront of my face saying " earth to greenie " I just laughs and say " sorry thinking about how short I am " he looks you dead in the eye she a serious look then you both burst out laughing ( I know it looks like you 2 are 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰BUT YOUR NOT )

Hey this is my first story hope you enjoyed I will Wright again tommorw
Yay first book 1065 words

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