Guess whos back

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Newts POV :
I woke up it a horrible mood last night I heard y/n and Aris having sex and I like y/n scince I've been in the glade with her I think it's rude he just took
her and I will get her back

Aris POV
I was outside the medical hut asleep till
I was shook awake by Sonya "y/n is awake come on" she ushered me into the tent and I see y/n with a cut on her head and some light bruising she smiled at me I smiled back vince and Sonya leave I walk over and sit next to her I take her had she moves over so her legs are dangling of "vince said I can leave when ever I feel ok "she said in a groggy voise " but I do hafto rest "
She added smiling
" well then up to the tent you go I've got to help with some minho plans I'll tell you the plan later also mabey when you should start meeting some people here and the right arm it's lovely here and the people at nice " I sound a bit sarcastic but I couldn't help it it's what Sonya told me to say she smiled and agreed I helped her up and kissed her we start walking back up to the tent I know she won't stay there but it's a start she looks over her shoulder and -"oh hi newt how are you " she said turning around "oh hello luv I was just coming to check on you and also Aris Thomas wants you for the plans with minho I've gone over my bit " he said smiling at us 'ok mabey it was just a bad morning 'I thort " I hato take y/n to bed sorry newt I'll be right down " he looked at me " I can take her " "no honestly newt it's fine " my grip on her waist tightens as I turn around I walked her to the tent then jogged down the hall to get my plans

Y/n POV :
I got up about 5mins after Aris left and walked out the tent I went down to the tables area and I started socialising I met this guy named alex and his girlfriend becca there really sweet were having a conversation then Aris steps out the door and comes to sit with us " oh guys this is Aris my- " " boyfriend "
He said looking at Alex I shoot him a death glance and then look at him " this is Alex and his girlfriend becca of 6 years "he went red I look back over to then and say a small goodbye
(A=Aris y=y/n )
Y:your ridiculous
A:how am I ?
Y: I cannot talk to anyone without you giveing them the evils
A:fine I'll be more chill
Y:really ?
A:yup do whatever you want sit in there lap hug them I don't care I know your not cheating
Y:ok see ya at the bonfire
I kissed his noise and was off I have a great idea to test that I smirk as I walk away
Aris POV :
I don't see this going well for me I mentally slap myself

Newts POV : I was sat at the bonfire talking to Tommy then y/n walks over and sits next to me we start small talk and she is smiling and laughing mabey she dose like me " I'll be right back newtie im going to grab a drink "
She said as she got up but someone took her place oh well there gose my chance
She comes back and look as at the guy she shrugs his shoulders I'm probably gonna get slaped for this but oh well I grab her hips and put her on my lap she laughs and we all carry on talking wow it works

Aris POV :
I've been watching them for ages laughing giggling then y/n went to get a drink I walked over "You really think this is making me jelouse y/n "
"Oh I'm just getting started she reply's " she walked back ove but someone took her spot and sheshrugged and went to leave then newt grabbed her waist and put her on his lap she smirked at me I clenched my jaw I saw newt smile oki Maybe I do get jealous a lot but I have a reason to now walk over there and grab y/n hand I'm stoning us back up to are tent I threw her threw the door I fel so much anger "WHAT WERE YOU DOING "
" you told me you don't care" she shrugged and rubbed her back from where I pushed her I lifted my hand to scratch my neck but she flinched I looked at her and she turnt around and walked out the hut

Y/n POV : so what I flinched I mean I'm not sceard of Aris it's just at that time I was I was right now walking to so has tent to sleep in there but someone caught my rust I flinched at the pain from where he dragged me I turnt around to be met by a very confused newt he started to realise what had happened and run to my tent

Newt POV
He hurt her HE ACTUALLY HURT HER IM GOJNA KILL HIM "what did you think you were doing "
" you and y/n over I don't want you to together any more Aris is crying I know y/n will be sad to but I will make it better
He nodded " o-ok "he crocked out I went back to y/n "come on you can sleep in my room you and him are not together anymore " she was crying but she understood mabey I can have my chance with her I put my arm around her waist and hug her I love her let's hope she can love me

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