Part 6 Without her

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Y/n POV:
Me newt Thomas fry pan and Minho are stood in front of every one bomb In hand about to end everything I'm in insane amount of pain I think that gard shattered the bone in my arm oh well I killed him so I guess you could say it's fair 🤷‍♀️
I still cannot believe that Teresa was with them she was like my sister I term around looking for the most important person (aris is not gonna get taken to wicked compounds) I don't see he anywhere at first I then whip my head a to see he is on his knees in handcuffs I wanna help them all but I'm powerless against the gards I think they noticed me staring because a hard went up to him I reloaded my gun and pointed it at the gard " take on other step and you won't live to see tommorow I'll shoot you between they eyes " I said Thomas turns to the gard and backed my up with " y/n never misses unless she wants to so I would listen " he backed away aris looked at me with tears in his eye I have tears in mine I don't know what to do but wait to die from that bomb then I hear some sort of engine some strange old dude had a huge van he drove it in cause one a huge explosion every one took this as a chance to run I got to aris and hugged him tighter than anything in the world he couldn't hug back cos the hand cuffs but he asked " you ok ? " I put a smirk on to my face " well other than the shatter bone the horrible feeling in my neck and the black eye good you ? " I let out a miner giggle and so dose he then Vince came over behind the rock he undid aris hand cuffs I smiled and hugged him (with one arm ) we heard Thomas speaking he was whispering are names so me and Aris crouched and hobbled over to him I brought the hand cuffs then we saw they guy with they car and they was a girl they apparently there names were gorge and Brenda I smiled at them in a hello way cos we need to stay quiet the I hear a gard shout " WERE MISSING ONE THAT WE HANDCUFFED" shit aris we look at each other ratman spoke up " we are not leaving till we have all 18 we handcuffed " I looked at aris and kissed him I picked up the hand cuffs and put them on , got up and walked over to janson
He spoke in shock " now your not the one I hand cuffed but I will happily take you " l mouth an 'I'm sorry ' to aris he looked broken then I was dragged into the berg.

Aris POV :
She smiled at the new people we just met then the gard shouted " WERE MISSING ONE WE HANDCUFFED " then ratman Buted "we are not leaving without all 18 we handcuffed " in I knew it was me cos I was next to Sonya I remember this very strongly cos that is when I thort y/n was dead I then head cleaning of metal I look over to my girlfriend and see she is putting the hand cuff on her broken arm I'm really confused of what she was doing then she put her arms behind her back and buckled the other one she then kissed me before I could stop her she was gone she went up janson then spoke again with a huge grin on his face " now we didn't hand cuff you but I will happy take you " she mother and 'I'm sorry ' to me as she was dragged onto the berg I was lost for words then I remembered something that she said only hours ago now. * Teresa you don't get it just one sample isn't enough they will drain us till we're dead * I tear rolled down me cheek. Y/n , Minho , Sonya , everyone I cared about wicked took . And I was not going to let them win we cannot let them win Thomas nudged me and we all started to walk to the car all I could think about was her it was my fault I let her put the hand cuffs on I said nothing I obviously looked pissed off cos newt spoke up " Aris you doing ok? "
"It was my fault ....."
I mumbled
"I didn't say anything ....."
" I didn't move a muscle ...."
" and they won again "
I cannot help but feel guilty every one dropped quiet they had known her longer than me yet I loved her more than all of them combined I looked out the window and saw one of the other cars Harriet waved at me with as sad face on she put Up a fake smile she had lost her best friend her and Sonya were always together threw thick and thin I felt bad for her as she did for me I waved one last time then looked behind us with the car with some more kids is This life never getting close to anyone in fear you might lose them always on the run never having a real home why would you do that to kids why cannot life just go back to normal where we would sit at the dinner table with are parents and go to school not be turns into someone's test subjects for some strange abnormal zombies and why take what was keeping me to the earth I missed her so much and I'm not the only one in a time like this she would normally crack a joke or try lighten the mood with her smile that smile could wipe out a room i should have protected her now I have lost her for possibly forever I cannot live with myself if that's the case I need her in my life with me

She is gone and I can do nothing about it

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