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Minho's POV :
I'm sat in the berg with Sonya in my right some random guy on my left and y/n across from me with 2 gards fixing her arm I can only think of the pain most people got out without a scratch y/n wasn't so lucky a broken arm and a tazed neck I look up from her arm and meet her gaze she pulled out a faint smile that dropped in seconds the gards fineshed rapping her arm and left I mumbled " why'd you do it ? Why would you let them take you ? "
She replied as soon as the last word left my mouth " would you rather me wait for them to take aris and if they found aris they found every one we was all together I didn't want every one to go to hell " she snapped at me I looked away knowing I pissed her off

Y/n POV:
I wasn't even sorry for snapping at him he needs to stop trying to protect me . My mind wonders to the person I hoped most in the world was ok aris

Aris POV :
we had gotten to the place the right arm was gonna move to and started brain storming ideas to get them back Thomas blamed himself but no one else dose it wasn't his fault it was that back stabbing bit- I mean Teresa's fault she called wicked to there home and got her best friend taken ( not to sure yall are BFFs anymore 😂) I finally brain stormed an idea " what if we track the vehicles "
Every one looked at me
Then vince spoke " that's a good idea but why would we need there cars or whatever they drive in we have cars here "
I looked up at him and told him " how are they supposed to move them without a vehicle " he smiled and started sorting out the plan with Thomas I went to look outside the little cave we were in it was just like in the glade every one was working the only difference was in the glades we where happy safe unharmed I looked over to the younger kids why put kids that age in a maze there wasn't many that made it out y/n had told me about the child in her maze some guy called gally shot him because he was stung then gally died from a spire threw the chest I was then called back to the planing area /cave they told me the plan it still needed some tweaking but it might work

* a week later *
The plane was fool proof we thought of every scenery that could go wrong all I have thought about all week was y/n i hoped she was ok or alive even because today are plan was goimg into action i was waiting with newt behind a huge bolder waiting for are call we had been tracking this train for weeks i hope i see her again

y/ns pov :
( this is 2 days before they were being rescued )
the gard told me to get up i hato go meet one of the doctors turns out it was my ex bff teresa i sat there not making a noise as she was telling me that i need to listen to them and let them reason with me I'm so done with listening to her shit i stand up grab the chair and slam it against the wall it shattered then the gards came busting in as i wanted them too teresa had a small cut on her head i was walked out of there and taken to ratman he punched me in my already cut up face I was taken into a different room there was all the kids there I saw Minho he saw me and tried getting to me clearly noticing my fucked up face . We were all locked up into a train I'm next to Sonya who held my hand she was like my real sister she always made sure I was safe once I was thrown back into are room she tried to touch my face but the chains stoped her I punched her hand back to her lap and whispered "
I don't want you to get hurt I think something big is happing "
This was the new normal for us we was always on the move weather it's a train the berg or a car we started moving only and hour later we stoped again but then there was banging on the walls a gard came in looking for me and Minho I looked the other way so he didn't see me but he got Minho and went to a different part of the train I was confused my face still bloody and a black eye I just hoped it was Thomas aris and newt saving us I then saw electrical sparks every one was screaming so I shout" CALM THE SHUCK DOWN YOU WILL ALERT THE GARDS "
With that every one was drop dead silent you could here a pin drop it was that quiet the I hear some one " Y/N ? " it was Thomas every one started screaming then there was a pice of the train taken off and Thomas and newt walked in they come and hug me then they look at my face
Newt : what happend
Y/n : they put me in a room with Teresa and I smashed a chair then rat man punched me But that's not what you need to worry about something big is happing we don't no what but some thing is"
He nodded and then aris walked in he ran over and hugged me tightly I couldn't hug back her but then Thomas said " Minho isn't here "
Sonya replied with " he was"
Then I heard gun shots and Thomas and Aris ran out newt cut my hand cuffs I I was free agin he handed me a gun and I ran out to help

Aris POV :
I saw her . Her face was completely covered in cuts blood and she had a black eye I ran over and hugged her I never wanted to let go then we heard gun shots I shot up and looked at Thomas we ran out shooting at the shooters only moments later there was gun shots from behind us and 3 of the gards fell we turnt to look at who it was it was the one and only y/n like Thomas said she never missed a shot she looked around then asked " where is fry "
Me and Thomas look at each other
" he got the flare he is dieing ....." Thomas replied her face dropped I then heard more gun shots out of reflex I grabed her eased and pulled her behind the other side of the train She smiled up and me I look down at her and asked in a whisper "What ? "
" we've been her before at the wicked compound when I followed you guys into the vent " he Laugh a little bit  I smiled at him then Thomas came and got us we all started walking to the car aris and I hand in hand it was a long drive back to the ' right arm ' when we got there I was sat on a counter aris in between my legs cleaning my cuts

Next part will have smut in also thank you so much to all the lovely comments like I said I do do requested if you want to put some in also I will not be stoping this story it will last forever

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